Chapter Ten- Finale

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After taking some blood and testing it with some other animals, comparing with old records. Romania widened his eyes in shock, slowly turning to face the other two wizards. 

" She's the real deal it seems. That's amazing," he spoke in amazement. 

England and Norway both nod in agreement before Norge spoke up asking, " So the spell that was placed on her...can it be undone?"

Romania looked at the Nordic before walking to his desk seat, slouching slightly in it. " It's going to take all three of us. But I believe it could be done." 

England brightened with relief before clapping his hands together. " Let's wait no more and begin gentlemen-!"

Romania stood up holding up his hands, " Whoa. England lets not be too hasty. It can be done, but the spell itself could be life threatening to us."

" Meaning what exactly?" England pressed.

Romania looked at both Norway and England, directly in the eyes as he answered, " We could be weakened to a state that may take centuries to recover...or in the worst case," he paused and bluntly stated, "- lose our magic completely."

Norway and England both looked shook. The true reality of how things could end up being at higher stakes than they imagined, was frightening. To them, magic in these times of conquering and ruling were vital. To lose it all, would mean for themselves to fall as well.

After a long pause of silence among the three, Norway spoke up. there was no hint of fear or worry in his voice. 

" I will still do it."

"Norway!" England and Romania answered.

He looked at them and touched his chest where his heart was and nodded, " When I found (f/n), I made a personal oath that I would return her to her human form. No matter what costs.

England looked down at the ground and groaned before stepping forward, " As did I. I can't go back on that girl's promise." 

Romania gaped at the two before he ran some fingers through his blonde hair before exhaling loudly enough that he slowly smiled, letting his fangs show with delight. " Well then. Let us get started shall we?"


(f/n) was quite nervous. Though she didn't care to say it out loud, her body trembled. Finland noticed after clicking the neck collar shut and gently caressed her head. " I promise (f/n), everything is going to be alright. These three know what they are doing!" 

(f/n) couldn't even speak at this point and just stared at Finland, barking rather deeply in her wolf tongue. He smiled once more before he got back behind the large Magical circle that England, Romania, and Norway drew. (f/n) sat on her hind legs and waited patiently for them to start. Denmark, as well as the others, stayed behind the circle and waited patiently as well, England spoke up after opening a book and raising his hand up.

"Vita," England spoke, the ground below his feet lit up green.

"Ignis," Romania softly answered, he too was glowing red.

"Spiritus," Norway answered, lighting up a beautiful blue.

England began the chant, as all three lit up in their separate colors, the circle was lighting up as well, mixing the green, red and blue colors. "Et separatum tres vires, veni foras: et reversus est in combind lupum se statim in suo humano more. Cum omnipotentiam Dalious!" He practically bellowed out as a bright light shot up out of the circle engulfing (f/n).

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