Chapter Seven

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After sitting in the horse drawn cart, even (f/n) grew irritable before she could make out the french building that looked similar to an inn. Denmark parked the cart, while everyone walked in with their valuables only now realizing they could afford one room only. 

Denmark grinned, " This mean's (f/n) and I share a bed right!?" 

Norway slapped him upside the head," Honestly you really are foolish.

Sweden nods, " Yah, she sleep's with Fin'and."  {Oh My God I'm sorry....I tried XD}

Finland took off his shoe and hit both on their heads in a rant of anger. Iceland simply flopped down on the bed and huffed out some air, ( f/n) sat down next to him silently watching the scene take place before mumbling out, " Do they always fight like this?" 

Iceland nods," Yep. It gets really old to be honest." 

(F/n) cracked a smile before pulling her legs close to her chest, " Then what, Denmark announces that they should all go drinking to ease-...."  she went silent since Iceland's expression seemed to answer her thoughts. " that so..."

He raised his fingers up counting down to three before Denmark belted out, " OI! let's not waist time and get to the local bar! all drinks on Norge!" he announced, forcing (f/n) to face palm herself.

" Oh dear lord." (f/n) mumbled.

The six of them did indeed head out to the local bar. it was filled up tonight for some odd reason, to which Finland spoke up at the bartender curiously. " What is with the full house tonight?"

The man nodded shyly answering with a strange accent that (f/n) had never heard of. "Oui it's because a sorcerer is performing on stage this evening. He's supposed to be amazing eh." 

(f/n) blushed at his curious accent and asked casually, " Excuse me, but may I inquire where you are from? I've never come across such a strange accent before..."

The young man who looked to be sixteen blushed lightly and piped up, " Y-You think my accent is strange!?"

(f/n) panicked shaking her head, "N-No I didn't mean anything negative I's really different from what i'm used to hearing!"

Suddenly another voice spoke up beside her. " Zhis young man is Canadian-French. Look at his adorable curls he is also quite innocent and handzome non?"

The young man blushed darkly and mumbled out, " M-Maple..."

(f/n) jumped from his sudden appearance, but winced since he smelled of strong cheese and aged wine. " Y-Yes he is quite handsome..."

The man smiled, " Bonjour, mon cher amour, It is lovely to make your aquaintence. I am Francis Bonnefoy, I own this tavern and some other businesses in town."

The Nordics tensed and sighed before Denmark grinned. "He is also France! how are yah doin my stinky and sleezy friend-OW!"

Norway sighed, "Your being to loud, so shut up."

" Norge..." he whimpered.

Francis tried to regain his calm composure, " I may sleep with both genders, but I am not sleezy. I just love many people. As I do for you Madame. Your beauty is captivating~"

(f/n) blushed lightly from the compliment but nodded, " France."

As he was about to speak up again, the audience whistled and clapped at the sight of a man with messy blonde hair and green ivy eyes. he had on a long violet cape with pants and a long tunic that seemed nicely made. Wearing black gloves he laughed  loudly and grinned. " Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! tonight is going to be a magical evening full of mystery, suspense and-" he paused before pulling a bouquet of flowers out of no where, kneeling down and handing it to some random lady. "-a lovely evening." 

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