The next morning, Kate wouldn't let Shawn go down stairs to eat. She wanted Cera and Alec to wake up together like "a cute newlywed couple". Course, she never said that out loud to her husband but she thought it. Kate went as far as to rush down, get food and rush back up.

After a while, Alec woke up first. Groggy, he lifts his head to see his surroundings. Then, he looks at Cera who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder. Alec watched her breathe and sleep peacefully. Little did he know, this was the best sleep she's gotten since David died. Kate was trying to tip toe down the stairs to grab something when she noticed Alec was awake. She sat on the stairs and watch him as he lifted his hand and tucked Cera's hair behind her ear. Kate covered her mouth to keep from gasping and disturbing them. Alec sighed and decided to wait til Cera was awake to move so he didn't disturb her. Kate watched but not for long because Cera woke up soon after. She sat up and yawned, oddly energetic.
"Morning." Alec smiled.
"Morning." She smiled back, a little embarrassed. "How long have you been awake?"
"Not long. How'd you sleep?"
"Good... great, actually. Better than I have in years... how about you?"
"Good. I think I hurt my neck..." Alec started rubbing it. Cera felt bad.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. If I wanted to move, I would have." He said, making Cera feel better.
"My parents must be home by now. I wonder why they didn't wake us."
"We weren't doing anything wrong."
"Still, my dad doesn't like it when I have Chris and Gabe over on my birthday. I'm surprised he was fine with me being alone with you." She shrugged.
"Maybe he trusts me." Alec smiled, making Cera snort and grin. "What? Is that so unbelievable?" Alec asked as they started to laugh together. Kate smiled.
"Honestly, yeah. He doesn't trust anyone. My mom probably convinced him to let us be." Cera said.
"Ye of little faith." Alec said as he stood, making Cera laugh. Kate noticed they were getting up so she went back to her room to tell Shawn he could come out.


After breakfast, Shawn agreed to take Alec and Cera to Alec's car to get it jump started. Once they did, Cera stepped out of the car to say goodbye to Alec. Shawn got back in the driver seat.
"So, tomorrow is going to be fun." Alec said, grinning. Cera smiled.
"Totally. Breaking up with my cheating boyfriend is going to be a blast." She said sarcastically. "Not to mention telling my best friend since sixth grade to screw off. Yeah... fun." Despite her jokes, she grew sad. Alec noticed and pulled her close. Cera laid her head on his chest and he rested his chin on her head.
"Did they not get enough quality time yesterday?" Shawn said, knowing they couldn't hear him. Shawn was still relaxed about the whole thing until he saw Alec kiss her forehead. What kind of friend...? Cera didn't think anything of it and continued to hug him. Eventually, Cera pulled away, said her good bye, and got in her dad's car. Alec waved before getting in his car and driving off. "Do you like Alec?" Shawn asked.
"Do you like him?"
"Like... like like him?"
"No." Cera laughed. Shawn was a little surprised.
"Does he like you?"
"No way." Cera scoffed. "Dad, we both just went through breakups."
"What? Really?!"
"Yeah. Kiley was cheating on Alec with my boyfriend." Cera said almost nonchalantly. Shawn stopped everything and looked at her, angrily.
"SHE DID WHAT?!" He yelled. Shawn started asking a bunch of questions and Cera spent time trying to calm him down.


The next day came along. Alec and Cera updated Chris and Gabe on the whole situation in first period.
"I'll kill him." Gabe said.
"Had we known, we would've said something sooner." Chris said.
"It's okay. I'm dealing with it today." Cera said cooly. "You don't have to worry about it, really."
"No, we do." Gabe said, angry. It surprised Cera. "You are our friend! This bastard hurt you!" He said.
"And he won't get away with it. Again, I'm dealing with him." Cera was almost too calm for his taste.


Lunch came around. Moment of truth. Chris, Gabe, Alec, and Cera all sat at their table together. Ben and Kiley walked in at the same time. Kiley had pizza. At first, Kiley walked up normally and set the pizza down.
"Hey, I got Pizza-"
"I'll deal with you when I get back." Cera spat and walked up angrily to Ben.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ben smiled.
"What's wrong? You've been sleeping with my supposed 'best friend' and you're going to ask me what's wrong?!" She shouted. People were staring at then.
"Uh, babe, I don't know what you're talking about but people are staring-"
"Good! Let them stare you lying, cheating, douche bag!" Cera said with furry.
"You told?" Kiley glared at Alec as he pulled the Pizza to him to eat.
"You thought I wouldn't?" Alec asked before biting in the food, amused.
"Babe, I really don't know-"
"Cut the crap! I got proof!" Cera said. She showed him the texts she and Alec got.
"I told you Alec was going to try to break us up-"
"So I guess Kiley and Chris are in on it too, then." Cera challenged his logic. He stood there a moment before sighing in defeat.
"Fine. You caught me." He shrugged.
"I guess I lost." He suddenly smirked. Cera went from angry to hurt.
"My friends bet. He bet I couldn't get you to kiss me. I bet it would be easy. I was wrong, you make be pathetic but you have an odd amount of self respect." He sounded almost impressed. Cera felt her world crumble around her. She was a joke... again. Another sick joke to be the punchline of. Ben looked at Alec. "But I'm sure you figured that out, didn't you... friend?" He smiled. Cera felt her heart start to pound in her chest.
"The hell? I don't even know you." Alec said.
"You bet everyone, remember? Last year, you bet everyone they couldn't do it just to see who could break her heart, right?" He smirked.
"Things have changed! What is wrong with you?!"
"You can only blame yourself, Alec." He laughed. "After all, you're the one who bet me-" Ben was cut of by Cera back handing him. The slap silenced the cafeteria.
"You... leave him out of this. That isn't who he is now." She was shaking in rage. "He grew up! He became my friend and told me the truth despite how much it hurt me! He has been the only one loyal to me through all this- don't you dare blame him!"
"Ugh." He groaned. "This joke isn't worth putting up with you." He spat. "I guess that's what I get for trying to flirt with a cripple." He laugh. "You pathetic joke." Ben walked off. Cera stood there, angry and hurt. Kiley touched her arm but she shook it off and ran out, trying to cover her face. Alec followed soon after.

Cera ran in a empty hallway, crying. She was struggling to breathe. Cera leaned against the lockers before pressing her back against them and letting herself sink to the floor. Alec ran around searching for Cera before he found her sitting with her head in her lap, crying. Her hair covered her face completely. Alec knelt beside her and started rubbing her back.
"Hey, It's me, Alec. I'm so sorry. Don't listen to him, okay? He's an idiot. You are not pathetic or a joke, you hear me?" He said. Cera didn't believe him. "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." He said.
"No." Cera got out through her tears.
"This... isn't y-your fault!" Cera said.
"If I hadn't been so dumb last year, none of this would have happened." Alec tried, feeling guilty. Cera looked up at him, tears running down her face, painfully.
"He didn't have to listen to you." Cera shook her head. "This is my fault. I did it to myself."
"How the hell is this your fault?" Alec asked.
"I believed him." She said. "I actually believed I wasn't just a joke to him! I believed I wasn't a joke!" She started crying again. Alec pulled her in a hug and let her cry on his shoulder. She was in so much pain. More pain than she's felt in years. The only thing that topped it was her brother's death.

"No one wants me!" Cera cried into his shoulder. "No one wants a cripple! How didn't I see that?!"
"You'll find love someday. Stop it."
"No! I'm done! Love was never meant for me. Who would date a cripple anyway?"
"I would." Alec said.
"Bullcrap." She sniffled. "It wouldn't be smart to date me. I can't do everything a normal girl can do."
"The right guy won't care."
"The right guy doesn't exist!" Cera almost shouted, still gripping his shirt. They sat there for so long. Eventually, Cera was just sniffling and hugging Alec. She felt so comfortable there with him. It was like he was momentarily taking the pain away. But, that's when they heard her.
"Cera?" Kiley walked up. Alec and Cera looked at her. As Kiley approached, Cera stood. Alec followed her. "Look, I am so sorry-" Kiley started to apologize but Cera punched her. Just once, as hard as she could. Kiley felt her cheek and looked at Cera, shocked.
"Save it. Go tell someone who cares enough to listen. Maybe that new boyfriend of yours. I don't care- just get away from me!"
"Cera, I had no idea about the bet, I swear."
"Are you deaf?! I don't care what you knew- go away before I punch you again!" Cera spat.
"Fine!" Kiley said. "Just... please don't let him ruin your confidence. You will find love one day."
"Oh, like you give a damn about me!" Cera yelled. "And Confidence?" She laughed. "What confidence? Do you know me at all? I've felt this way for years! At least I have proof, now. No one will ever fall in love with me! And I refuse to fall for anyone! After all... Alec was right all along." She looked at the ground.

"I am nothing but a joke."

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