Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

My chest is expanding in a wild panic. Quickly, I begin to feel an unbearable constricting in my throat, blocking any air from getting in or out. I struggle to inhale and exhale as my body presses against the wall, descending slowly to the ground.

"Henry!" I hear Ivan holler by the end of the hallway. I hear loud, fast footsteps as I fall into unconsciousness.


The second my eyes open, I know I'm lying on a uncomfortable cot in Doctor Overton's office. It's very dark outside the windows. I sit up in a rush, gasping. It was morning when I spoke to Overton about Mia.

"Take it easy, sir," Overton says, from his desk. He stands, setting down his glasses. "You may experience some nausea from the sedative."

"You gave me a sedative?" I mutter, rubbing my face frustratingly.

"Yes, sir. You were in a panic when you awoke so I gave you one... I'm glad you got some hours of sleep in. You've had an unimaginable few weeks. It was a wonder you were still upright."

"Mia," I whisper, looking to the door in remembrance. "Is she alright?"

"Yes, she is fine. I did speak to her about- what we discussed in the hall."

"And how did she take it?" I ask, fearfully.

"She took it well. Mainly expressed being glad to be alive now."

I nod, looking down, feeling strangely infuriated. "You think me selfish then? That I'm angry?"

"Not at all, sir. Most patients as well their loved ones experience a vast range of emotions post-operation. Some undergo therapy from the trauma of it. You are right to hope for the longest possible life for your wife. You will find no judgment's with me, sir."

I cannot pinpoint how I feel after his words, but I know I want to get up. I stand, breathing in. "I- am going to see Mia and then, I think it's time I shower, get a proper meal before my brother's funeral in the morning. Will you watch her diligently?"

"We will have nurses around the clock, sir. Yes."

I nod, turning. I grab onto the door, pulling it open. Ivan is standing there and looks relieved when he sees me calm.


"Ivan," I utter, walking past him. I feel no need to re-hash or explain my panic attack. I walk to Mia's room, opening the door immediately. She turns her head my way as I shut the door gently behind me.

"Are you alright?" she asks, holding out her hand. I nod, walking to her. I take her hand, squeezing.

"I'm fine."

"Ivan's been worried."

"No need," I whisper, touching her hair. She smiles softly.

"There's... anger in your eyes," she says, after a moment. I breathe in, knowing I can hide nothing from her.

"What else do you see?"

"Confusion. Worry... Love. They're very expressive."

I kiss her hand, glad to feel it's warmth beneath my lips. "I must leave tonight. I need to speak with Parliament on the funeral for tomorrow."

She nods. "Of course. It's about time you got out of those clothes."

I nod, scrunching my nose. "I smell."

She tilts her head, smiling slightly. "... You truly haven't left in the entire time I've been here."

I stare at her. "I-I thought the worst was over, Mia."

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