Chapter 34

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It was 11am and Naomi, Bronx and pete were coming over to the house. I walked into Patricks 'office'. It wasn't really an office, more like a studio. He was banging on his drums and singing 'this is how we do it'. I started singing as well. He took off his headphones and smiled at me.
"Oh hey babe, are they here" patrick said getting up.
"No, I was just checking on you" I smiled and walked over to patrick.
"Your such a great drummer and singer. I could listen to your voice all day" a big smiled formed on his face.
"Well thanks" he kissed me and we were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
"That will be them" I smiled and made my way to the door.
I opened the door and there stood Infront of Naomi and pete was a small boy with bright curls in his hair. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hello" he smiled and walked in.
"Bronx! You can't just walk in! I'm sorry amber" pete said getting Bronx.
"It's fine" I smiled and patrick took Bronx and pete to his 'office'. Me and Naomi stood in the kitchen with cups of coffee.
"So, what happened now" I said rubbing her back.
"Well, my mom has come to stay with us now, because my dad and her had an argument so she sleeps on the couch. But yesterday she didn't come back so I slept on the couch and me and pete haven't talked. I don't know what to do anymore" she out the cup down and put her head in her hands. I rubbed her back.
"I told patrick, he's going to have a talk with pete so, you'll be together soon." She gave me a half hearted smile and sipped her drink.

Patricks POV

"Dude, this is awesome" pete said dragging Bronx along. Amber told me about Naomi and pete not talking, so I decided to have a talk with pete. I knelt down to Bronx.
"Hey kiddo, there's a few toys in there, wanna go play for awhile why your dad and me talk" I smiled and hugged him.
"Yeah, thanks uncle patrick" he smiled and ran to the other room. Pete looked at me confused.
"What's going on with you and Naomi" I leaned up against the door and looked at him.
"How do u know" he looked at me sternly.
"Naomi told amber, amber told me, now you two need to sort this out cause, you love her right. Pete just looked at me and started at me. He looked like he was going to burst into tears. I opened my arms and gave him a hug.
"Come on buddy, what's going on"
"Well she wants to move out if the apartment, I really want to get a house with her but I'm just scared yano, scared because of what happened with Ashlee. I don't want this to happen again. " he pulled away and wiped a tear from his cheek and continued. "I love her man" he glared at me. Like she was his everything. I could see it in his eyes.
"Well go apologise man" I patted his back and we walked downstairs. He picked up Bronx.

Ambers POV

Pete,Bronx and patrick came walking down stairs. It looked like pete had been crying. Pete walked up to Naomi and got on his knees.
"Naomi, I'm so sorry! I was just scared that you were going to leave me. I love you so much. I've been keeping this from everyone, I've been with you for a long time now. And every second I've enjoyed it" pete got a little box from his pocket. Naomi gasped and looked at me quickly then back at pete.
"Will you marry me Naomi" he looked up at her; in hope.
"Yes!" She screamed and jumped on pete, kissing him
"OH MY GOD!" I screamed jumping up and down.
"Congrats man!" Patrick said bro hugging pete. Pete placed the ring on Naomi finger.
Bronx ran up to Naomi and hugged her. We all shared a group hug. Untill Bronx said,
"Why is your belly so huge" pointing to my stomach.

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