Chapter 18

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Ambers POV

"Hey! Were back" patrick shouted coming through the door with pete andy joe and this girl. I went up and hugged patrick.

"Um amber I need to talk to you" joe said bring along the girl.

"This is my girlfriend Marie" joe said hugging Marie

"Hey , I've heard a lot about you" I shook her hand. We talked for a bit. She was really nice.

I was making dinner when Patricks hand went around my tummy. I thought about the baby at that time.

"Hey babe" patrick spoke turning me around

"Hey" I replied. I turned around to get the cooking done.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied

"Your gonna look so beautiful tomorrow at Brendon's wedding" he said kissing my cheek. I smiled and ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

I threw up a couple of times. I could, hear knocking on the door.

"Amber are you okay?" Naomi said.

I unlocked the door and as she walked in I was sick again.

"Dam. Are you okay!" She was rubbing my back. And patrick wanted to come in.

" don't let patrick come in. I don't want him to see me like this." I said whilst throwing up for the last time.

" is this because of the-" I cut Naomi off.

" I think so!"

"Because of the what, guys what are you on about!" Patrick shouted.

I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my hands. I walked out and patrick hugged me.

" are you okay sis"

" just a bit ill that's all" I looked at Naomi.

" want me to call mom?" Joe said holding me.

"No I'm fine" I went back to the cooking.


The next day....

"Were here!" I must of dosed of in the back of the car in the way to the interview. Me and Naomi had been invited to an interview with the boys. I woke up and got out the car. I was holding my stomach.

"Are you alright!" Naomi whispered. I nodded and smiled at her taking my hand of my stomach. We walked through the door and this girl stood and greeted us.

"Hello, my names Emily and I'll be interviewing you, along with my boyfriend dan." I smiled and shook her hand then I relished who it was. Emily was my old friend.

"Emily! Hey it's me amber" I said hugging her. She soon hugged back and remembered me.

"Hello!" Dan had a very British accent

"Hey nice accent dan!" Patrick said shaking his hand. He smiled and hugged Emily.

Pete and Naomi were kissing in the corner.

"Protection" I whispered walking past. Naomi stopped kissing him and gave me the finger. I laughed and pushed her as we walked into the small room. We sat down. It went me patrick pete joe and andy. Poor andy he was alone.

"So everybody okay" Emily said smiling.

We all nodded and spoke out yes or no.

"That was a great interview guys thank you" Emily smiled hugging me.

I took her to the side.

"Hey um it's Patricks birthday in like a week and were getting a get together so your invited. Bring alcohol" I smiled and walked away.

"She seemed nice" Naomi said getting into the car.

"She's so funny" pete smiled. Putting his arms around Naomi.

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