Chpater 31

613 13 4

Ambers POV

We walked into this little room. I lead on the chair and looked up at the dense ceiling.

"So how are you today?" The nurse asked rolling my shirt up.

"Alright" my voice sounded shaky.

"It's okay to be nervous" she smiled " is this your first?" She tapped my hand.

"Yeah" I smiled and looked at patrick. He smiled at me the Naomi looked at me. She put this gel on my stomach. I flinched.

"It's going to be cold at first but it will warm up" she confessed. I tensed up because of the cold gel. The gel began to warm and she put a little mechanical pen on my stomach looking around.

"Before I go on, would you like to know there gender" I nodded and so did patrick. She smiled and looked around again. She started looking closely to see the gender.

"There she is" she pointed at the screen. I jerked my head to the side to see. Patrick held onto my hand; squeezing in delight.

"It's a little girl" Naomi said getting up. The nurse nodded. I looked at the screen then to patrick. His eyes were tearing up.

"There my baby girl" he whispered. I started to cry with happiness looking at patrick.

The nurse printed out the pictures while I got up from the chair. Patrick helped me and hugged me when I got up. The nurse gave 2 pictures to Naomi and 2 to us.

"There she is" I said kissing patrick holding my stomach.

We went into this other little room and the nurse put this thing on my stomach. All you could hear was a little heartbeat. It was my baby's heartbeat. I smiled and listened.

"Seems fine" she took it off and thanked her.

We go out to the car and Naomi burst into tears.

"Naomi! What wrong" she looked at me and hugged me.

"I'm going to have a neice! Oh my gosh" she jumped up and down. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm going to spoil her! And there nothing you can do about it!" She giggled and we got into the car.

It was 3 hours after, we were at the apartment. Joe, andy, Naomi,me and patrick were there. They were all helping me and patrick pack our stuff for the house. We took a break and sat on the couch.

"And this is her" I gave joe a picture.

"Oh, she's beautiful" joe looked like he was going to cry.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle" he hugged me tightly. I smiled and looked at patrick who was leaning against the wall.

"What are you smirking at" I got up and walked up to him.

"Nothing" he laughed and out his arms around me.

"Well" I paused and took his hat and ran around the room.

" oh for fucks sake, amber be carefull" Naomi worried too much.

Patrick finales caught me and turned me round.

"Nobody steals my hat and gets away with it" he poked my nose.

"Not even you missy" I looking into his eyes, until the door swung open. Pete came in with wide eyes and flowered and chocolate.

"What the fuck" Naomi smiled.

"Hey" pete was put of breath.

"Where the fuck have you been" andy spoke. Pete walked over to Naomi.

"These are for you" he gave a shy smile and Naomi hugged them.

"Could you" she gave me the flowers to put in a vase. I walked into my room were a spare vase was stood.

"That smile won't last long" patrick whispered, whilst coming over to me.

"Why not" I questioned putting the flowers.

"Just trust me" he sighed and walked out with me. I went to the sink to out water in the vase. I heard pete whisper to Naomi.

"I need to talk to you". Naomi nodded while joe and andy left. I hugged joe and they walked off. Next thing I knew patrick dragged me into the bed room and shut the door.

"They need privacy" patrick smiled. "And so do we" he bit his lip and looked me up and down.

"Dam" he softly moaned. I blushed and carried on packing.

It was about 3 minuets after and I heard Naomi shout

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I looked at patrick and opened the door. I see pete stood behind the couch and Naomi stood on the other side with her fists clenched. I look at Naomi and she looks at me.

"Ok, ok what's going on here" I say calmly taking one step forward.

"HE HAS A FUCKING KID!" She said pointing at pete.

"Ok- wait what.." I looked at pete and he look at patrick in need of help.

"YEAH, HE HAS A KID AND HE DIDNT EVEN FUCKING TELL ME" Naomi threw the chocolates across the room. pete took one step back. I bend down and picked them up.

"Amber! Don't pick them up please" Naomi said worriedly. I ignored her and picked them up.

"Okay Naomi calm down" patrick said. Naomi looked at him, I could feel the anger in her.

"Rule one, never tell an angry woman to calm down" I looked at him and patted his back taking a couple of steps toward Naomi. I got to her and she broke down.

"Why...why wouldn't he tell me... It's been months and he's just told me now." She cried on my shoulder. I patted her back softly. She continued.

"And the best part is, he's coming to live with us because he's been with the mom for 3 months." I looked at pete in astonishment.

" is this true?" I let go of Naomi and walked over to pete.

"Why didn't you tell her! What if your kid Doesn't like Naomi? What about its mother? Have you never thought about this?" I got closer to him, looking up at him. Patrick held me and calmed me down.

"Of course I have, he won't hate Naomi. He's my kid, I know what he's like. Naomi didn't need to worry" he looked down. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want Ashlee to get involved." Pete apologised and walked over to Naomi.

"Please don't me mad" he went to hug Naomi, she was hesitant at first but she forgave.

"I'm sorry too" she paused and looked at me. "But if this Ashlee annoys me, then she better be counting her lives" pete smirked and bit his lip.

"This is why I love you" she blushed and kissed him.

"Yay, no more fighting" I said happily.

"So, let's see these pics of your baby" I smiled and corrected him.

"Daughter" he smiled and picked me up carefully.

"Your having a girl, congratulations" we all smiled and pete and Naomi helped us finished the packing.

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