Missing Essays And Library Hideouts

Start from the beginning

"In the middle of the night?"

"I'm a growing boy, James."

Lily shook her head and walked back to the common room.


"I can't believe this. Two foot on a simple shield charm? Is that woman crazy?" Marlene complained as she threw her bag on to her bed.

"Thank Merlin she won't be our Defense teacher next year." Alice said, "I don't want to do all this homework and study for NEWTs."

"What if she is?" Lily asked, always the pessimist.

"She won't be. No Defense teacher stays more than an year." Mary said.

"Is it real? What they say about the jinx?" Daisy asked. "Reg said it was the same during his time too."

"I don't know, Daisy." Marlene said, "Talking about Reg, where is he now?"

"He's working for the Foreign Transportation department in the Ministry." Daisy said. "I'm so jealous you know, he gets to go to all the places I've always wanted to go."

The girls continued talking, the conversation skipping from one subject to another completely different one.

"I'm going to the library." Lily announced.

"Are you really going to do the essay now?" Alice asked, "It's Friday, Lils. We have the entire weekend."

"I'm doing it today so that I can spend my weekend doing absolutely nothing. You will learn when I'm enjoying and you people are stuck with your homework." Lily said.

"Whatever. I'm anyway gonna copy it off Lily." Lily heard Marlene say as she walked out.

"I heard you."


When Lily reached the library, she immediately sensed trouble. A head with sandy brown hair was peeking out from behind one of the desks.

Uh-oh! Why do I have a feeling that these tossers are up to something?

"Remus?" she called slowly.

Remus jumped almost a foot into the air and turned around to look at Lily with wild eyes.

"Oh, it's you. Hey, Lily." he said.

Lily looked at him, confused.
"Were you hiding?"

Remus laughed nervously.
"Me? Hiding? What gave you that idea?"

"Remus, you're a terrible liar."

Lily looked around. The other three were nowhere to be seen, so she assumed it's only Remus. Though she couldn't be too sure about anything the Marauders were involved in.

"You were hiding from someone, right?"

Remus sighed. "Yeah."



Lily frowned. "Why are you hiding from her?"

Remus remained silent for some time before he spoke again. "She-- she likes me."

Lily stared at him, unable to understand why Remus would be hiding if Dorcas liked him.
"Why are you running away from her if she likes you?"

"Didn't you do the same thing all these years, Lily? Weren't you running away from James?" Remus asked.

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