Death Day: 6/25/09

Start from the beginning

He laughs and puts me on his back, then walks back to the house to get dressed and get ready to leave ASAP.


We were walking to the gates of Neverland as Conrad Murray and Michael's body double arrive. Luckily Michael's security guards, maids, and chefs don't come to his house for another half hour.

Michael talks to Murray and his body double and plan the fake death out, the 9-1-1 phone call etc.

It's crazy Murray is willing to possibly go to jail for this to work.. apparently he's planning to give the body double a lot of propofol or something.

After they're done Michael thanks Murray and then holds my hand as we put our black sunglasses on and Michael fixes his hair and puts on his hat.

We drive to LAX and i park the car when we get there. I look over to Michael and he looks very tense

"Y/N I'm scared.."

He looks over to me with a worried and sad face, gripping his pants with his hands tightly.

"You know how it is when I go out in public.. what if people recognize me?? Then people will really find out I faked my death and I'll get in a lot of trouble, and--"

I can easily tell that he's getting a lot of anxiety just even sitting outside of the crowded airport.

I hold his hand and reassure him, cutting him off from rambling on and preventing him from making himself even more anxious than he already is.

"Michael, you're going to be ok, our flight leaves in 10 minutes, I did your makeup and did your contour well so your facial features look different.. and if anything, you know how to disguise your voice well, so it'll be ok."

Michael nods and calms down a little.

"Let's go.. I wanna get on this plane and go to sleep."

I nod and take the key out of the ignition and get out of the car. Michael opens the trunk and get out our bags, then shuts the trunk. I lock the car and we walk into the airport, Michael was very nervous going through security but we got through security and the metal detector.

We were sitting down in the chair, holding each others hands tightly, starting to feel excited to finally leave all this behind. Our world (mostly Michael's) was contaminated with negativity and false accusations, he's so happy to get away from it. But that excitement turned into anxiety as we hear the breaking news come into the TV's. We both gripped each other's hands tightly then turned to the closest tv near us and watched.

I can Michael inhale and tense up from the nervousness and anxiety he's as we each and listen to people's reactions. I hear people start to break down and gasp, then I look back at Michael.

Michael is looking down with tears in his eyes and I immediately hug him.

He hugs me back around my waist tightly and puts his face in my neck, mumbling to me and he sobs. I hold his hat on his head with my left hand as my arms are wrapped around his neck.

"Y/N.. I.. I feel so guilty..."

I grip the back of his shirt softly with my right hand and I try to calm him down by rubbing his back

"I don't *sniff* want to do this to my fans.. they'd be so upset with me.. I don't want that Y/N.."

I can feel Michael shake a little bit, he does that when he tries to hold things in

"I don't want them to be angry at me.."

Use my sleeve to wipe his tears and eyeliner off his cheeks, smiling reassuringly at him

"It's too late to go back now.. if anything they'd understand, sure people would be mad.. but they need to understand it's for the better right now. We have people after us and our family"

I put Michael's hand on my stomach and he starts to rub it, making me blush a little.

"And besides that you're in debt and you could've been literally worked to death by rehearsals and this whole tour in general... it's better for us this way right now-"

Before I could continue there was an announcement that our airplane will be leaving and all the passengers should get in line to leave.

Michael slowly moves away and gets up, holding my hand as tight as he could (but not enough to hurt me)

Then we get on our plane to start our life anew in our new location.

The whole ride we cuddled up together and slept.

Everything's going to be ok

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