Harry nodded and keyed Niall off of him "of course Ni, how about you tell me on the way" Niall nodded and turned to Louis, who looked oddly excited.

Being Niall was a heavy drinker, he just knew Louis would be drunk tonight as well as Niall and Harry would have to take care of the two.

Harry couldn't help but smile though at Nialls short attention span, becuase as soon as they'd gotten into the car, he and Louis were loudly rambling on and on about a movie they wanted to see, all Harry could do was laugh fondly.

As annoying as the pair were, he truly loved them.

A full 15 minutes later, of loud talking and laughter Niall had finally pulled up to the club and Harry wasted no time getting the hell out. He took the keys from Niall, being as he'd most likely be the only sober one by the end of the night.

Unfortunately Harry wasn't a rich bastard, and without his rich bastards he simply had to stand in line, to get inside.

It didn't last long at all, Niall and Louis were far too entertaining.

The club was packed with people, it shrieked of vodka, swear, and scented sprays. It was Friday night so the club was basically overflowing, which would make the experience all the more fun.

If Harry didn't find Zayn here tonight, it wouldn't be too hard to find someone to come home with him.

The darkness and the flashing light was a bit too much for Harry but eventually his eyes would adjust as it usually did.

Harry followed his two closet friends over to the bar as they linked hands, Harry definitely wouldn't be participating in that.

They took the three empty stools "drinks on me guys" Harry spoke up, which he may or may not regret.

Niall took no time to beging ordering, two of everything so Louis could have exactly what he had, Harry didn't plan on drinking much so he just allowed the two to order.

Before the drinks could arrive Harry excused himself from the bar and ober to the casual sitting area, where he simply watching the people of the crowd dance, some were grinding on each others rap viciously, that they'd might as well be fucking.

Harry shook his head and laughed as he watched a girl lift her dress, showcasing her panties and began to rub against the man. "Frisky" Harry mumbled just as a waiter had placed a glass of wine on the table directly in front of Harry.

Harry knew that could only mean one thing, some man had spotted him.

Harry oooked down to the glass and raised a questioning eyebrow. He lifted he cup as she pointed to the top balcony, the VIP Section.

Harry's green eyes followed where she was pointing and he had to refrain from letting his surprise show on his face as her finger had pointed at Zayn Malik who was staring directly at Harry with a smirk.

He stood at the top of the balcony like some sort of King, holding a wine glass in one hand, and it seemed to be a pair of beautiful black haired twins, at his both sides of him letting their hands glide down his body.

Harry thanked the waitress and looked back up at 'The King' himself. He held tilted a cup, as if he would've been clinking his glass. Harry nodded his head once a thank you and lifted the glass to his lips taking a sip, keeping his eyes on Zayn Malik.

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