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Harry didn't call the man, in fact it'd been a few days since he'd seen the man last.

It wasn't that Harry didn't want to call him, he just didn't. Simply becuase he knew sooner or later, preferably sooner he'd run into the man once again.

It wouldn't even have to be and unexpected meeting through the two, Harry could find him if he looked, how else would he have managed to keep tabs on the man the past few years.

Harry decided to let it play by hand and time, he wouldn't intervene simply relax, of course this meant he needed to go out more becuase all wealthy men, had a similar taste the same hotspots. Of course being around Marco, and other one nights, Harry was no stranger to these places.

As much as he didn't want to admit, Harry had been in a few clubs more than often, simply in hopes of finding Zayn Malik, sitting all high and mighty in some VIP Section.

Hence the reason hed forced Louis to go clubbing tonight. Of course it took a lot of begging, becuase Louis rarely drank because he was an extreme light weight, so there was no fun for him unless he want to get shitfaced.

It took a few blow jobs and kisses to get Marco off his case, promising him he was only going to sleep over at Louis house, which was a complete lie.

He just didn't want the man to get all in his feelings about Harry playing around on him at the club becuase Harry doesn't need that, but he does need a man like Marco in his life.

Great sex, Loads of money, and a desire to spoil Harry.

Marco was all that and more so Harry would put up with the mans lovey shit, as long as he always got what he wanted.

Marco was quite patient with Harry, and he treats him well. Most men with Salarys as large as his, were either big time dicks or old wrinkly fucks, and Marco was neither of those. Which led to Harry sticking around much longer than he'd ever intended to.

Using people was his forte.

Harry buttoned up the sheer black blouse with red flowers to to about the third button from the top before pushing his waves back from his face.

He looked himself over in the full body mirror of his expensive condo, he'd like to think his outfit was extravagant, although it was simply all black and a sheer top.

People tend to question Harry as if he was a fashion guru, when he really didn't put too much though into what he slipped on.

As Harry as slipping in his black Chelsea boots, with a heel a bit higher than usual, there was a light knock at the door and a loud giggle making Harry roll his eyes, becuase he hadn't warned him of any others tagging along.

After Harry slipped his phone in his back pocket, he swung the door open being met with two giggling boys, Louis and Niall Horan.

Niall was Louis and Nialls other friend but he didn't go to school with them, so he didn't see him as much which was fine by Harry becuase Louis and Niall were so much alike, it was literal hell being with the two of them together.

"Hey Niall" Harry sighed and Niall chirped up at younger friend "Harry" he went right in for a tight hug. Also Niall as very clingy.

Harry moved his hand to rub his back gently "Niall off" he said and huffed when the blonde just hugged him tighter "I missed you so much Harry, I have so much to tell you" and much like Louis, Niall was a total blabber mouth, sometimes he and Louis would begin flat out screaming trying to talk over each other, each wanting Harry to hear their own story.

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