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 In  the  name  of  Allah,  the  Gracious,  the  Merciful 

1. O Prophet! Fear Allah, and do not obey the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah is Knowledgeable and Wise.

2. And follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. Allah is fully aware of what you do.

3. And put your trust in Allah. Allah is enough as a trustee.

4. Allah did not place two hearts inside any man's body. Nor did He make your wives whom you equate with your mothers, your actual mothers. Nor did He make your adopted sons, your actual sons. These are your words coming out of your mouths. Allah speaks the truth, and guides to the path.

5. Call them after their fathers; that is more equitable with Allah. But if you do not know their fathers, then your brethren in faith and your friends. There is no blame on you if you err therein, barring what your hearts premeditates. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

6. The Prophet is more caring of the believers than they are of themselves, and his wives are mothers to them. And blood-relatives are closer to one another in Allah's Book than the believers or the emigrants, though you should do good to your friends. That is inscribed in the Book.

7. Recall that We received a pledge from the prophets, and from you, and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus son of Mary. We received from them a solemn pledge.

8. That He may ask the sincere about their sincerity. He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful punishment.

9. O you who believe! Remember Allah's blessings upon you, when forces came against you, and We sent against them a wind, and forces you did not see. Allah is Observant of what you do.

10. When they came upon you, from above you, and from beneath you; and the eyes became dazed, and the hearts reached the throats, and you harbored doubts about Allah.

11. There and then the believers were tested, and were shaken most severely.

12. When the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is sickness said, "Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but illusion."

13. And when a group of them said, "O people of Yathrib, you cannot make a stand, so retreat." And a faction of them asked the Prophet to excuse them, saying, "Our homes are exposed," although they were not exposed. They only wanted to flee.

14. Had it been invaded from its sides, and they were asked to dissent, they would have done so with little hesitation.

15. Although they had made a pledged to Allah, in the past, that they will not turn their backs. A pledge to Allah is a responsibility.

16. Say, "Flight will not benefit you, if you flee from death or killing, even then you will be given only brief enjoyment."

17. Say, "Who is it who will shield you from Allah, if He intends adversity for you, or intends mercy for you?" Besides Allah, they will find for themselves neither friend nor helper.

18. Allah already knows the hinderers among you, and those who say to their brethren, "Come and join us." Rarely do they mobilize for battle.

19. Being stingy towards you. And when fear approaches, you see them staring at you—their eyes rolling—like someone fainting at death. Then, when panic is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. They resent you any good. These have never believed, so Allah has nullified their works; a matter easy for Allah.

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