It took a couple of seconds for her to respond.

I love you too Nazaire. 

"Well?" Elsdon asked.

Nazaire turned to his father, the one who was invading his body. His father was very powerful and most of his powers Nazaire possess but Nazaire shown any proof he did.

"She's in London. They were planning on taking her to the palace but they knew we were gonna go there. They are also going to attack the vampire territory and kill us." Nazaire said.

"Did she say anything else?" 

"No, that's all." Nazaire answered.

"Hmm, well, I guess you have a flight to London. Take Tansy and Neva with you. They'll be able to help you during your quest."

Nazaire nodded and left the room.

Amber's POV

"Why are you doing this?" Amber asked. She known why but she couldn't believe it. Her best friend, Luke, a werewolf and the son of the king of werewolves kidnapped her from her husband, Nazaire, and the son of the king of vampires. Amber and Luke were in an apartment in London. Luke's father changed plans and instead of going to the night world they went to London. 

"Because, you're my best friend." Luke answered.

"Well, you're too late. Just let me go. I'm happy with Nazaire." 

"You're parents aren't." Luke responded. 

Amber posture straighten at the mention of her parents.

"I know they aren't happy about the situation." 

"I know."

Amber studied Luke. She knew he wasn't telling enough information. He was hiding something that involved her parents. 

"What did you do?" Amber tried her best not to yell. 

"I told them about us. The werewolf part." Luke answered,"I told them I'll try my best to get you back home and they agreed. I also told them I'll kill your husband and Elsdon. Then the werewolves will take over Night World. Easy peasy."

"You can't do that! I'm going to be queen soon!"

"You don't have to take the throne Ambs."

"Yes I do. Look what I am Luke!' Amber shot up from the chair. She gestured at herself. She still wore the sundress when they were in Hawaii. Her hair was longer and beautiful. Her features enhance and she looked unbelieveable and dangerously beautiful. Her body slim down making her look fragile and delicate. Every movement Amber make was silent. She moved with grace and elegance. In London, she catched many eyes. People murmered and whispered about her. Two or three people asked if she was interested in modeling.

"I'm a freaking vampire! Half actually! You were too late. I want this Luke! I want to be with Nazaire forever." Amber yelled at him,"Why can't you understand?"

"No, Amber, I don't understand!" Luke yelled. He now stood in front of Amber,"How could you choose this over your normal life? Don't you miss Sakura and Gina? Don't you miss your parents? Didn't you say you wanted to go to college? Didn't you say you wanted to find someone and have children? Didn't you say you wanted to grow old with them? Well, you can still do that but you're gonna watch everyone you love die. They aren't gonna live as long as you and I. And grandchildren? You gonna live long enough to see all your great great great grand children."

Luke was right. She did miss her best friends and her parents. She did want to go to college. She wanted to fall in love and grow old together. It was Amber's master plan but it's all ruin because her father made an agreement to Elsdon. She didn't want this but she did want Nazaire. If it meant being queen then she didn't care. Being queen of the vampires didn't seem hard. She wanted to have grandchildren too and seeing her children have their great grandchildren freaked her out. A lot. But that was part of being a vampire.

"You're right Luke. I don't want this."

Luke took a step closer to Amber. She could feel his hot temperature. Vampires hated this and it bothered them but it didn't bother Amber. 

"Then come to me. We can run away from all of this." Luke voice soften.

Amber looked into Luke's blue eyes. The ones she always got lost in. It was still there. Last time she stared at his eyes they weren't there.

"No." Amber replied,"I'm not leaving Nazaire's side." Amber looked around the apartment. She wanted to escape, get out of her. There was a window that shown the beautiful view of London. Luke was fast but Amber was faster.

"Well, I'm not letting you stay with those vampire." 

Amber walked over to the window. They were about fifty feet high. If Amber was human and jumped out of the window she would have died already. Now, she could do anything. She could fall from the sky and still live. Amber took a couple of steps back. She knew Luke was watching so she pretends to look around the apartment. When she saw Luke look away, she ran towards to window. It felt like nothing was there when she went through it. The glass sticked to her skin. It feel like millions of mosquitos sucking her blood. Amber landed perfectly on the ground like a cat. She pulled glass out of her arms and legs. She looked up at where she jumped from. She saw Luke jaw dropped. Amber smiled at him and waved. She turned and ran away.


Finally Ch.20! I know you all been waiting for this chapter. How long have you guys waited like two months or one? I'm sorry! Instead of finishing the chapter of NSGB I was thinking of new stories. I'm those kind of people who think of new thing so sorry guys >_< anyways, I hope you enjoy this!

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