Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Nazaire and Amber did it again. It was amazing of course but it felt like she did it with someone else. This was't the Nazaire that was always careful and gentle. It was a whole different one. This one was more aggressive and nasty. The other thing that was weird about him was that his eyes weren't hazel or green. They were red, just like his father. Now that was strange. She thought. It got her thinking that maybe his father was inside of Nazaire and instead of him. Amber pushed that thought away. It creeped her out very much. Right now, Nazaire was asleep and Amber got out of bed. It was day time and Amber got dressed into something more comfortable. She put on some khaki pants that were a little big on her and Nazaire's white button down shirt.

She put some sandels and went to the beach again to find Lani. Maybe she would know what's going on with Nazaire. Amber looked all around the beach and she couldn't find her anywhere. Amber decided to check the shack that Lani owned and she finally found her. She was talking to a vampire. Amber knew it was a vampire because of his long thing brown hair, very pale skin, and his droopy dead gray eyes. He didn't had fangs either but Amber knew he was a vampire. Amber walked up to Lani.

"Hi Lani!" She greeted.

"Aloha Amber! Come sit, I have someone for you to meet." She patted the stool next to her. I sat on the stool and looked at the man. He was even more dead looking up close.

"Amber, this is Charles Horres, his studies vampires." Amber said.

"Hello Mr.Horres." I greeted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Pharamond!" He smiled at her, showing fangs. He had an accent just like Neva, Denzel, and Nazaire.

"If you have any questions about being a vampire, ask him. He knows way more than me." Lani said. 

"Well, after I was bitten two nights ago, the next morning, my skin and eyes felt irritated but today it doesn't anymore. Is that normal?" Amber asked.

"No. It's not, strange actually. I've never heard of this." He answered.

Lani glared at me,"She's turning to a half-vampire." She turned to Charles.

"What makes you say that?" Charles asked.

"Well, newborn half-vampires first days are suppose to be in the dark. Once their body turns into a human child, they start going to the sun. Malie told me her first day of being in front of the sun made her skin and eyes irritated and the next day, it didn't anymore." She answered.

Charles stared at me with those lifeless gray eyes.

"I think you're are correct. Usually when you're in the sunlight after you are bitten, you're skin and eyes start to irritate and the next couple of days will get more worse and worse."

"Yes. It's probably your human blood. Your human blood probably makes your skin and eyes prevent irritation." Lani told me. Amber eyes widened at this new information. She's becoming half-vampire! How did this happen!

"Well, how did this happen?"

"All I know you can be half vampire by birth. I don't know what Nazaire has done to you." Lani answered. Amber nodded. She started a new conversation about Nazaire.

"Speaking of Nazaire, his been acting strange. After he "bitten" me, he wants to be,"Amber tried to find the words to keep herself from being embarrassed,"more active now. I'm seeing a whole new Nazaire now."

Lani chuckled and so did Charles.

"Male vampires are like that."

"Yes we are. Once male vampires get older, they'll control it. He'll control it more if you stay away from him or try to ignore him." Charles explained. Amber felt relieved but there was something else bugging her. Those red eyes.

"Okay, but Nazaire eyes were red." Amber said,"Like Elsdon. It was so creepy and scary."

"That's something strange." Charles said,"Never heard of it."

"Yes! Once you found out something! Please tell me!" Amber told him.

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