February 20th

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Luckily we had an off day. I was supposed to go in for a private session but Law and Order and a tub of gelato was calling my name.

"I'm guessing that the date didn't go well." I gave Freya a dirty look and turned up the tv.

"At least she gets taken on dates. Not just taken home." Hillary laughed at our other roommate.

I mumbled some choice words, hoping they would leave me alone.

"She's breaking out the Norwegian. Time to leave her."

In all honesty, we though I'd be marrying Mats one day. I think his mom still hopes for it. But that was long before we ever thought the two of us would have professional sports careers.

With two of my roommates scared to come back in, Amanda came in to talk. In the middle of a crying session.

"Everyone just thought we were going to get married and going out on that date, I thought maybe we had a chance. Apparently not."

"You are one of Norway's best players. You do not need some stupid hockey player. We all know that if you asked, Ronaldo would easily be your fake boyfriend."

"But we would easily become Norway's power couple." I started to cry harder and honestly didn't stop until I fell asleep.

strangers // m. zuccarelloWhere stories live. Discover now