Chapter 29 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Laura, I... I didn't mean to frighten you. That's the last thing I want to do right now. I was just worried about you, that he might've seen you Laura. Both of you." Chris apologized, as he gazed at Tyler and I. Despite his sudden belligerent actions—I forgave him right away.

"It's okay, I understand." I let go of my shoulder, letting my arm fall to my side.

"Tyler and I saw him last in his office, while we were crawling through the ducts. Wesker was speaking to an H.C.F. agent, talking about various things with him—about Mom, Piers—and even you. Right before he killed him when he was questioning his motives for why he's after me. Which utterly scared the shit of me. But I sure you guys—he didn't notice Tyler or I while we were there. After Wesker left appearing to be in a rush, we hopped down from the duct, and I began snooping around in his office. Not too long later—I find a master keycard in his desk—as well as a research report containing vital information about a new type of B.O.W. they've been working on." I explained to them, as I take out the folded piece of paper out of my pocket. Handing it to Chris.

Afterwards, when they're all done reading it, they all look up at me as Leon ask:

"Do you have any idea what this means Laura?"

"Yes, yes I do Leon. If Wesker plans on unleashing the Plaga, he's capable of launching a world-wide bioterror attack."

"Exactly. If Wesker does plan on spreading the Plaga worldwide, we need to stop him here and now," Piers added.

"First, we need to find Mom. The sooner we can get her back—the sooner can deal with Wesker and take him down. Plus, we're gonna need all the help we can get. Since our signals have been jammed—we can't contact anyone outside of this place for any back up," I stated.

Chris nods at me—folding up the research report—and stuffing it into his pocket. "Alright, first things first. We find Claire and get her back ASAP. Once we do, Claire, Tyler, Leon, and you will escape from here. Using one of the trains at the mini train station to escape from here, from there you guys will be heading for the rendezvous point in Land Union park–"

"Hold on a minute Uncle Chris—"

"Laura," Chris cut me off, as he turns around to look at me. "Now's not the time. You need to remember that the longer you and Tyler stay here, the more dangerous it gets. We don't want anything bad happening to either you or Tyler. Especially since you and your mother are being targeted—for reasons we don't know or even understand. We're doing this to ensure all of your guy's safety and we'll-being. Do you understand?"

I glance up at him, nodding without any further complaints. Feeling a bit penitent.

"Alright," Chris directs his gaze back at the rest of the guys. "As soon as they get out of here safely and out of harms way, Piers and I will track down Wesker, and stop him from initiating another large-scale biohazard outbreak. Understood?"

Everyone including me, nods their head in acknowledgement.

"Okay, we better keep going while we still can," Leon proposed, as he glanced down at the watch on his wrist.

"Agreed, let's go." Chris and Piers begin heading down the hallway with Leon, Tyler, and myself following right behind them.


"Wait a minute, you're my stepdad? How's that even possible???" I asked my newfound stepfather, Leon.

𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 | 𝘼 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙀𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Where stories live. Discover now