“I know Tomás, and I’ll do it as much as I wish there was another way.  Where am I going to be staying for the next few months?”  I asked slowly, sitting up a tad straighter.  “Also, what will I be doing?”

“You are going to one of the quieter states of the U.S., called West Virginia.  No one will ever suspect you have gone there, and no one there will ever suspect who you are.  While you are there, you will go to school and tell everyone that you are a foreign exchange student from a small country.  Since you are eighteen, we have set up an apartment to be rented in your name.  We have saved some money up for you, but it won’t last very long after buying yourself clothes and paying for everything.  It was the largest amount of money that we could take without becoming suspicious.  You’ll eventually have to get yourself a job.  You are registered in the school under the name of Callie Rivers.  Oh, and we have gotten you a car to drive around in.  It’s not really great, but it will have to do.”  He said quickly.  I nodded slowly in understanding. 

“How long until we get there?” 

“It’s about a ten hour flight directly, but we will be stopping twice to switch planes.  Once we get to the airport in West Virginia’s capitol, we will have to part ways.”  He said softly, I nodded slowly, wishing that he could come with me.  I would love to have someone I knew near me during this but I knew that it was no longer an option.  “I will give you a map to the town you’re going to, and you’ll have to shop for clothes before you leave the city.” 

“Ok.  Tomás, thank you for all that you’ve done for me.  Not only recently, but all of my life.  You’ve been a great friend and I’ll never forget you.  I’m going to miss you.”  I said softly, tears beginning to pool in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away.  I didn’t want to look weak; even if it was only in front of Tomás.  He sighed, pulling me into a big hug.

“Same here sweetheart.  Now go ahead and lay back to rest for a while.  It will be a few hours before we get to our first stop.  I’ll wake you up when we have to switch planes.”  He said, taking a blanket from a flight attendant and pulling it over me.  I sighed contentedly; a nap sounded great after the crazy day I’d had.  The next thing I knew, I was already asleep.


Much sooner than I had hoped, we were at the next airport.  We quickly switched planes, having already had it set up so that I could switch without any layover.  After Tomás and I were settled into our seats, I went back into a fitful sleep.

Hours later he woke me to inform me that we had arrived at the last airport before our final destination in West Virginia.  Yet again I fell asleep quickly after settling in on the flight.  I knew that this flight went directly into the small airport in Charleston, West Virginia.

When we had finally arrived, Tomás gently shook me awake and bid me to look out the window before we landed.  It was one of the most breathtaking sights that I had ever seen, and it reminded me immensely of home.  We too had glorious mountains and valleys, as well as sparkling rivers and lakes, all of which I could see from the plane.  It looked as though we were literally going to land right on top of a mountain, which thrilled me somewhat.  I smiled gently as we landed, for I had a feeling that although I was here for a bad reason, I might not be so miserable.  Already the land reminded me of my home country, and that was a big relief. 

As we landed, Tomás handed me a bag that held everything that I might need, as well as instructions to pick up my car in the parking garage and to get directions to my new town.  I also found out that he was going to have a small layover and then would be getting back onto another plane.  My heart clenched painfully inside my chest knowing that soon I would be alone for months.  It was a hard reality to face, especially for someone who has never been alone for long in her life.  As a princess I had never had very much time alone.

When we finally got off the plane, I let the tears run freely down my face for a moment.  It was hard for me to leave not one but both of my friends within twenty-four hours.  That, and the fact that I was going into completely new territory for me.  Tomás just smiled lightly and held me for a moment, letting my tears fall.  When he felt that I had cried enough, he pulled away and held me at arm’s length.  He looked directly into my eyes, peering into them in a way that only he can do.

“You must be strong Callissa.  I know that you can do this; I have known you all of your life, and I believe in you.  Remember, we will contact you when it is safe.  Go well, and be strong my friend.”  He said, giving me one last hug before backing away.

“Thank you Tomás.  I will miss you.  Take care of yourself, and Rosie if you see her.  Goodbye my friend.”  I said, quickly walking away so that I wouldn’t break down.  I slowly made my way to the rental car kiosk to get directions.

After the worker gave me a map and some directions on where I was going, I went outside to find my car.  The key that Tomás had given me included an alarm button, so I hit it once I was inside the garage and followed the sound.  It led me to an older light blue volts wagon beetle that made me smile.  I know he said that it wasn’t much, but I’m not sure what his definition was.

After settling into the car, I pulled out onto the road, taking the directions to some of the stores that the worker had recommended.  It was time to get some clothes; I couldn’t really wear the little dress I had on forever.  Truthfully, I was starting to feel kind of nasty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2012 ⏰

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