"What are you doing here?" Adam asks and Blake facepalms.

"I told you dumbass, that Jessica wanted to talk to us," Blake says to Adam
and smacked Adam in the back of his head, and continues to text on his phone while Cole laughed.

"Oh, right I forgot," Adam said in remembrance.

"You know Adam, you remind me of one of those dumb blondes," Cole remarked and Adam gave him a small glare.

A few seconds later, the boys all start to argue and I get so angered that I may or may not have yelled at them.

"SHUT UP YOU IMBECILES!" I angrily yelled and they zip quiet so fast you can hear a pen drop.

"See Adam you just can't keep your stupidity to yourself," Aiden said and Adam looked to him.

"Oh please, you're dumber than you look!" Adam remarked.

"Oh wow, I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than you!" Aiden shoves Adam before both boys go at it once again.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed once more.

The boys finally take a seat with Cole sitting next to Adam, while Blake sits next to Aiden.

"Okay, so what was it that you needed to tell us?" Cole asks quietly and I take a seat in front of them taking in a deep breath.

"I'm about to tell you what happened to my sophomore year," I say and the boys become wide-eyed, before listening with all ears.

Flashback-Sophmore Year

The cold wind kissed against my skin, I step out of the car a little nervous this being my first party and all. I feel a hand intertwine with mines keeping a strong firm grip, before pulling me along with them.

Toby sends me a heart-throbbing smile as we walk up the steps of the porch, I catch goosebumps from the raving music inside. Toby and I look at each other one more time before we open the door and walk inside.

"Toby what's up, oh hey! Jessica didn't know Tobias was bringing his little girlfriend." Ace says before pulling me into a hug, and for Toby to split us apart.

"Hey! not to close," Toby warned Ace.

"You up for some beer pong or what?" Ace asked Toby before Toby gave him a yes.

"Alright, Jess I'll be right back just go take a seat on the couch over there." He kissed me on the cheek before running over with his friends.

I decided to listen but not before pulling out my water bottle from my purse and taking a swig of the drink I had inside. I smile as the liquid burns my throat tasting the sensation of the alcohol.

An hour later...

I feel the music pump through my veins as I move my hips to the beat, eventually, I feel a body push it's self roughly against me. Feeling someone's awakened friend from the waist down, I take in their scent smelling nothing other than mint coffee.

I turn towards my boyfriend as he then smashes his lips roughly against mine with haste, the kiss doesn't feel like usual. Instead, the kiss felt rushed, he continued to kiss me even as I felt heat radiate off his lips. Toby pulls away before smiling at me and grabbing my hand, he gripped it tightly before lifting me and taking me upstairs.

We finally reach a room he kisses me once again this one feeling more tender and soft, before closing the door with his foot.

He pulls away once again and looks at me as if he is imagining me with my clothes off, "Jump!" I follow his command wrapping my arms around his neck, before jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist.

We eventually fall to the bed as Toby trails small kisses down my neck, I start to get lost in my thoughts about what is going on. Toby and I have never made it this far in our relationship sure we make out, but I don't think I'm ready for the next step. I then feel Toby grind his hips against mine and I start getting the feeling of being sober and awakening to my senses.

"Toby I'm not ready to take this step yet," I say as he stops kissing my neck and looks at me before smiling.

"Okay, I understand." He pauses before getting off of me. I lay there as he sits up on the bed, before standing up.

"I'm going to grab me some water, do you want something to drink?" Toby asks a little hesitant. I shake my head, "A cup of water will be fine." I say before he walks out of the room leaving me in silence.

Third Person Pov

Little did Jessica know Toby wasn't about to give up that easily, Toby waltzed into the kitchen with a smirk on his face and his friends gathered at the kitchen table.

"Well did you do it!?" Ace asked anxiously before Toby shook his head and pulled a plastic bag, with some crushed meds.

"No, but I'm about to." He says pouring the substance into the water, and Ace smiles as well as their friends.

"Looks like we better get our money ready then." Ace said happily before Toby winked and made his way back upstairs.

Toby walked into the room handing his now sober girlfriend a cup of water.

A few minutes later...

Jessica started to feel not like herself laying next to a silent Toby who knew the drug was taking its effect.

"Hey, babe I don't feel so good." Jessica lightly said as Toby smiled to himself before setting his cup on the nightstand.

"It's gonna be alright Jess," Toby kissed Jessica before pushing her down on the bed.

"Toby I thought I told you I wanted to wait." She said as Toby started to kiss her neck.

"Don't worry Jess, this won't take long." Toby smiled against the marks he trailed on Jessica's collarbone and neck.

Jessica then started to feel a tingling sensation in her body as she tried to push Toby away. Her body weakened from the drug as Toby forced her arms above her head with tears starting to drop from her eyes. Toby pushed his pants off only in his boxers, sure! Jessica had a chance to escape but right now Toby had all the strength.

Toby moaned before finally pulling down his boxers and officially winning the bet he made with his friends.

So, not only did Jessica lose someone she once valued in her life but she also lost herself completely.


Nutella 🌰


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Not going to lie this chapter disgusted me to write😔

Stay Golden
.XOXO Alondra❤❤

XOXO Alondra❤❤❤

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