"Audriana, I-." He wasn't sure he could convey his emotions articulately, wasn't sure if kissing her was the response she expected- but he shouldn't have worried because the basket ball hurtling towards them at great speed, knocking down their drinks in the process, served as distraction enough.

"Hey-." Riccardo began angrily.

A boy, tall and lean and good natured looking approached them, his hands held up in apology- the simple motion effortlessly showing off his muscular arms. His shirt was tied around his waist and he was breathless, his bare chest rising up and down rapidly. Evidently from his forlorn expression, he was disappointed in the lack of reaction Audriana gave his well built figure as she busied herself with picking up the drinks.

"Sorry about the mess, " he said meekly, nodding to Riccardo who'd thrown the ball back in the hopes he'd go away, "I can help tidy up-."

"It's fine."

The boy detected his frosty tone, his eyebrows raised high and the smirk he was fighting against infuriated Riccardo.

"Sorry." He apologised again, brushing his fingers through thick hair. "Sorry, it's just my plan- kinda backfired."

He followed Audriana's gaze to the group of boys laughing rowdily on the  basketball court, watching him closely and egging him on. He flipped them off fiercely with his finger, glaring.

"What plan-?"

"My plan to come and talk to you. I've seen you around a lot and you're-."

"Your plan was to catch her attention by throwing a basketball at her head?"

The boy regarded Riccardo with slit like eyes, saying almost sarcastically, "I didn't mean to ruin your little picnic." He turned to Audriana and Riccardo watched her closely- the fact she was suppressing a smile felt like an intense stabbing and he looked away. "I'm Jae."

"Hi Jae, I'm Audriana."

Jae smiled warmly, the kind of smile that had her stomach tense in knots because it radiated with the epitome of charm. The kind of smile that had been practised a thousand times in front of a mirror and presented to dozens of girls, despite making her feel like she was the only one.

"Well Audriana-," she decided she liked the way her name sounded on his tongue, smooth and effortless, "what I really came over to ask, is if you're free sometime next week. I'd love to get to know you a little better."

"I'm sure you would." Riccardo said dryly, much to the vexation of both Jae and Audriana, who hissed his name as inconspicuously as she could muster.

"I would love that." She told Jae, smiling in the way Riccardo had hoped was reserved primarily for himself.

"Great," there was no hiding the smug expression on his face- Jae was pleased with how effortlessly he'd managed to score a date with her, his expression was easily readable and she laughed. "I mean, I have a basketball game next Tuesday, I can take you out after that?"

"Actually, I'd love to see you play."

He hesitated, his face bright. "Right, well, great- see you Tuesday."

"See you Tuesday." When he was out of sight (she caught him fist pump in the direction of his friends as they loudly cheered him on),  Audriana let out a content sigh, falling backwards dramatically with a wide smile.

Riccardo made a move to leave but she stopped him. "Hey," she said lightly, "where are you going?"

"Easy there, I was almost worried you were going to get impregnated." He imitated her laughter, shrill and falsetto- it was malicious and Audriana's eyes widened in confusion. 


He tugged at the necklace and they both heard it snap as it fell, hidden amongst the blades of grass. "You know what? Fuck your 'someday.'"

He was towering over her now, his voice shaking and trying desperately to be oblivious to her watering eyes.

"Why are you being such a - such a dickhead?" She cried, standing up too. "Why can't you ever just be happy for me?"

"Happy for you? When will you realise that these boys are assholes?"

"Well, seeing as you clearly have a problem with me dating other guys- next time, you know what to do-." She fought to restrain herself from yelling at him, the tears rolling down her face.

"What?" He said heatedly.

"Don't join the fucking army!"

And she swooped to pick up her picnic basket, storming away from him and leaving Riccardo feeling the uncomfortable beginnings of regret.

Up above dark clouds rolled in, obscuring the sun and its warmth. The rain came lightly at first, but seconds later, Riccardo was left standing in an intense sheet of rain with an insurmountable feeling of self condemnation.

AN AFFAIR TO DIE FOROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora