
When I woke up something had yanked me back. I fell on my back and was dragged away from the lookout, making me realized I had slept sitting up.

Merl groaned and sat up, cracking his neck. I looked up to see Eli glaring down at us.

"Are you two crazy?!" He scolded is and he pulled us into the attic more. I pushed him off me and lanced at the window. The storm had just gotten worse during the night, now the wind was letting the rain come in the attic at full force.

"It's bad enough that there's a goddamn lightening storm going on out there, but you two were just sleeping in the middle of it!" Eli was actually mad, I don't know if I had seen him this mad before.

"Woah, dude, calm down." Merlin gestured him to relax with his hands but it didn't work.

"How can I?!" He glared at him. "What if you two got stuck?"

"Inside? Unlikely." I shook my head.

"It was unlikely that Echo would be standing right next to it and then burn her hand. It was unlikely that you would get hit by actual lightening on a freaking horse! It's unlikely that the two of you will get hit from there, but that hasn't stopped anything happening before!" Eli clenched his jaw as his fists tightened.

"Uh, Eli?"

"The last thing I need is for it to get Donnie-"


"And I am not letting my family be killed by some stupid weather-"


"WHAT MERLIN?" He turned to Merl, as did I, and the wizard pointed outside.

"The storm stopped."

With those three words my eyes widened. I rushed to lean over the edge and, sure enough, it had stopped. It was too sudden, a full blown storm like that would have slowly lessened, it wouldn't have been this abrupt.

"Wait.." I turned back to Eli. "Eli, focus on the storm, think about it raining again." He narrowed his eyes at me but obliged, glaring at the grass outside. After a minute of two of nothing happening I sighed.

"Damn, it didn't work.."

"No way," Merlin started chuckling. "You wanted to see if this doof could make a storm?" He burst into another fit of laughter and doubled over. Eli grumbled and glared at him.

"Honestly, he-" Before we could blink, Merlin was soaking wet. Raindrops were pouring down on him, and I followed them to see a small dark cloud above his head. Merl stepped to the left, the cloud floated to the left. Merl ducked, it swooped down. Merl tried to swipe at it, it flew above and out of his reach. Eventually he started running circles in the attic.

"OKAY, OKAY, I'm sorry! You're not a doof, you're great! JUST GET RID OF THIS THING!" He cried out as I laughed. Eli stared dumbfounded at the scene.

"Looks like the powers split after all." I chuckled causing Eli to glance at me. "Echo may have gotten to spawn things in, but you get something else."

The Mark Of the Nether (A Minecraft fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum