What was left of Greenwood

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A/N: Hey, I think this is the first chapter ever without Piper's POV at all! Tell me if you guys want more like this.

Also, tell me if things went too fast in this. Reading it, I thought the chapter was too fast paced, but I'm also tired and really wanting to get this chap out.

Quinn's POV:

I took off my glasses, wiping them with my shirt. Being close to the fire had caused them to fog up.

"Okay," I turned to Ace, setting the glasses back on the bridge of my nose. "What is so important that you dragged me away for it? The others are probably wondering where we went." Ace sucked her upper lip between her teeth, a bad habit of hers. Nobody could even tell she was doing it unless you already knew about it.

"Don't do that!" I lightly hit her arm and she released it. "Why are you nervous?"

"C'mon," She grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs, stopping underneath the pull out stairs for the attic.

"Up there?" I asked and he nodded. Jumping to grab onto the side of the trapdoor, I pushed down on it while my feet dangled above the floor. When it gave way I jumped back and Ace caught the steps before they hit the ground, slowly placing them down.

Once in the attic she moved to the very back of it, grabbing something before moving forward.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a drawer, probably from a filing cabinet."

"And you would care about files, why?"

"Look, there were two of these." She started. "One was more recent.. It had files of the Residents in it."

"Wait, what?" Instead of answering, Ace sat down and pulled out some files, silently handing them to me. I paced as I opened them, reading what was written.

Katja (Kitty) Darwin.

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Brown

Known relatives: Kennedy Darwin


She and her twin grew up in an upper middle class family. They were the only children of their parents and when Rebels attacked, the twins, along with Kitty's childhood friend Pepper, were the only known people to escape and live to tell the tale.

"So that's why those two are so close.." Ace muttered as she read over my shoulder.

"Is there one for all of them?" I looked back at her.

"Pretty sure," She grabbed another file.

"Zigella (Ziggy) Morfin" She read out.

"Hair- Black. Eyes- Black... Known relatives... Zagmor (Zag) Morfin?"

"Zigzag, huh?" I chuckled lightly.

"Guess the two of them got separated. Can't even imagine what that'd be like." Ace mumbled, continuing.  "Hey.. Quinn? Oakland and Morgan ain't in here."

"What?" I asked. "Let me see." I skimmed through the files, and sure enough they weren't any. "Are their any other drawers?"

"Yeah... but.."


"It's full of names I don't recognize." Ace moved back to where she found the first one, pulling out an identical metal drawer. I looked through the names at the top.

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