Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise

Start from the beginning

"Is that how it is... I was actually planning to next-"
"Can't it be today?"

The Angel moves closer as though to pressure me into the idea. Nothing has been prepared so having a wedding today would be a terrible idea.

"N-No, I cannot... You see, preparations haven't been made, nor do we have a venue set."

"I'm well aware of that, however there's a place in mind, no?"

There is..?

"But Kiro said it's just an official statement or something, doesn't that mean this marriage thing isn't of concern?~"

From the moment Reiguma appeared she's lived here, sure we had a small argument but we've come to terms with that. Asides from it being official, nothing much would change.

"It's human nature; a natural instinct to marry one you care deeply about. It's an official statement yes, however it is much more than that. Usually between a man and a woman, they offer themselves to each other entirely. Don't you think it's the next stage for the two of you?"

"Oo... So if we marry, Kiro would be mine forever?"

The angel nods as Reiguma soon expresses her excitement and readily accepts it as she pulls my arm.

"Then let's go marry right now, Kiro!"

"W-We can't! There's much more to it than what she says!"

"Am I wrong?"

"T-Technically no, but you didn't specify how important it is for others too."

"That is true, not only is it a big event for you but for your friends and family too."

She looks far off into the distant towards where my family's graves lie. I'm certain I haven't told her about my parents nor friends, if that's the case...

"All you should be concerned about is holding the wedding."

As though she read my mind again she turns her back on us.

"If it cannot be today, then tomorrow will suffice."

Leaving no room for further discussion, she gives me one final look before disappearing.

"Is marrying that much of a bother, Kiro?"

Reiguma looks to me in concern as I simply shrug.

"Haven't been to a wedding so I can't say, but I do know it takes preparations, at least a few months. So if we're to be married by tomorrow then we have to skip steps, a lot of them."

I stare at the ceiling as I'm sure she's still watching over us. The consequences of defying her are unknown, however I'm sure the outcome would be severe; with her powers anything is possible.

"Oo, I still don't quite get it but okay!"

Since Reiguma doesn't know a single thing about it asides from marriage itself, it's all up to me.

"Hahh... It's going to be a long night and I bet tomorrow's going to be a tough one."

"Ehee, you can do it, Kiro!~"

Reigiuma simply cheers me on as I head down towards the workshop.

"That's easy for you to say."


After finishing my business, I pay Wil a quick visit at his tavern as I thought for sure Aliza would still be available. To have her assist in tomorrow's preparation would be a huge help, however it seems she's not here.

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