I got no title >:v

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Eve: Sup Starco fans..yea I really need to find a better name for you guys :/
Lu: Damn right you do!
Eve: Shut up! No one asked for your opinion!..
Janna's P.O.V
I don't know why I'm crying. She's knew here. Maybe I'm being dramatic. I stop running and start to calm down. I take a deep breath and stop the tears from falling kinda. A few are slipping down but not as much from earlier. Where is she though. I walked back to school. She might be there who knows.

Star's P.O.V
It was 12:00. Lunch was still going on. I'm staying under this tree for the rest of the night. I can tell my eyes went back to their ocean blue eyes because the burning sensation stopped....and I have a pocket mirror.  (or whatever it's called) Ok, on second thought when lunch is over i'm going back to school. I'm not gonna let Marco get to me. >:3 If I don't go to school it's like he won but if I go back then I win. Or at least that's my logic. Lunch ends at 1:00. So I'll start walking back by 12:30. I got up and dusted myself off. I saw a guy who was selling ive cream and bought 5 ice creams from him. What a day...
It's short. Deal with it..
Lu-chan away~
Word Count: 225 

Wait for it... (Star x Bad Boy Marco) [Under Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora