19 || haylofts are full of secrets

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You felt stupid at dinner, sitting at the friggin' kid's table. You felt even stupider because you were right between Glenn and Maggie (who kept staring at the two of you out of the corner of her eye and smiling).

You sat quietly and ate your food. You couldn't help but feel awkward. Honestly, you wished you'd just told Maggie that Lori was pregnant.

"Psst," Glenn said. He handed you a note. You opened it.

Hayloft after dinner, the note read. You raised an eyebrow at him, but he dismissed your questioning.

After dinner, you stayed to help clean up. You thanked Hershel and his family and left for the barn. Whatever Glenn wanted seemed important.

You were almost there when he ran into you. You both fell on the ground.

"Glenn? What the-"

"There are walkers in the barn," he said frantically. Your mouth went dry.

"Say that again?"

"There are walkers in the barn," he said. You nodded.

"Why?" was all you could say.

"I don't know!" he whispered.

"Okay, yeah, that question was dumb," you said. "Should we ask why?"

"Um... Yes?" he muttered. "Maybe? I don't know?"

"Why do all of your sentences sound like questions?"

"I'm very confused?" he said, causing both of you to laugh.

"Okay, back to the matter at hand-- there are walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant-"

"Lori's pregnant?" he asked. You cursed to yourself.

"I'm not good at keeping secrets!" you panicked, clawing your hands down your face in frustration.

"Okay. We have to figure this out," he said. "Should we ask someone what to do?"

"Yes. Who?"

You looked at each other for a few minutes, and then said at the same time, "Dale."

This chapter is SO SHORT IM SORRY. I just wanted to talk about some things. Okay, so I wanted to tell you that I'm about to start school soon, and that means less frequent updates. Bear with me.

Also, I have a new fanfic coming out shortly after this story is over (whenever that is). Please please please add it to your library so you will know when the first chapter comes out.


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