~Chapter 24~ The Proposal.

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~Chapter 24~ The Proposal.

I fell asleep on their bed. We were watching some show on Netflix and my eyelids just dropped. Jerome whispered goodnight to me and then continued watching the show with Adam.

I slept fairly well, I was still worried about where Mitch was. That made my dreams all depressing and shit. I'm pretty sure I ended up screaming quite a few times in my sleep, but oh well.

I woke up to the sound of screaming down the hall. I looked around to see Jerome and Adam both sleeping on the floor.

I got up off the bed and went to the nearest mirror. Finally fixing my hair, I went down the hall.

Two girls were screaming at each other. They looked like a mother and daughter. I walked slowly and pulled out my phone. I acted like I was calling someone. They saw me and started arguing a little quieter.

The female that I thought was the daughter pointed at me. The pair then approached me.

"Yeah, mom. I'll have to call you back." I said into my phone. I then pretended to hang up while the pair waited. "Hello."

The both smiled at me and asked about a boy. I smiled and asked who they were looking for.

"Mitchell H-" The daughter started.

"Mitchell" The mom interrupted her. They seemed really protective. Was this his family? I smiled at them politely.

"Yeah, should be in that room." I pointed at the room we had shared. They gave thanks and tried to walk away. Before they could, Jerome had to come out of the room and call my name.

"Jerome!" The mother shouted. She hugged him and asked how he was doing. He smiled back and hugged her. They made small talk while I stood in the hallway awkwardly.

The girl and I caught each other looking at the other. She was pretty, you can't deny that, but it was weird how she looked at me. When we caught one of us staring, it was polite to just smile and shrug it off.

Jerome walked over to me and said something to her. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.

"What are they doing here?" Jerome asked. I shrugged as he stared at me. "What did you tell them?"

"Nothing, I swear! Why?" I asked. He looked more panicked than ever before.

"They don't know you're together. If they find out, then either he'll be forced to break up with you, or he will magically disappear." Jerome said. I sighed and jumped onto the bed.

"I don't even fucking know where Mitch is. Fuck everything." I said. Jerome went to look for Adam.

After Jerome had found him, he sent him down to get us breakfast. I was actually hungry for once. It felt like I haven't been for the longest time.

Jerome and I just talked. They're apparently staying two floors down and wanted to see Mitch. I guess the talk about me moving in didn't have a good outcome.

It became noon and I looked like a mess. I left Jerome and Adam so they could shower. All three of us had planned to go to a fancy dinner and surprise Mitch, if he decides to show up.

I took a shower and got ready. Mitch still hadn't showed up. Where he had stayed overnight, I had no idea.

That led me to thinking, where had Tyler gone? I hadn't seen him back here. Maybe he had to go back to Canada? Oh, well, that's the only reasonable thing I can think of.

I finished getting ready. I was wearing a striped black and pink shirt with a lace back with leggings and combat boots. My makeup was done and I was ready to go.

By Chance. ~A MinecraftUniverse Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now