Mission Trip (forget school)

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I woke up around 8 and came to the horrible realization I had to go to school. I quietly crept out of my room and to the old beat up couch that stood on the back wall of the garage downstairs. The elevator was quiet (thank god) as I went down, and padded across the bare concrete floor and weaving in and out of motorcycles.

I was just about to tap him on the shoulder when he bolted upright, sending me crashing to the floor, one arm pinned under me and I felt a sickening crack in my wrist.

"SHIT! WHAT THE HELL GUNNAR?!? YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!!!" I half screamed at him, half in pain.

"Sorry, you shouldnt've of done that. Are you hurt?" He asked as I glared at him.

"No I'm just sitting here because I  don't think my wrist is broken." I said dryly as he helped me up and set me on the couch.

"Where's your shoes? I'll call Barney and take you to the E.R." He asked as I looked down at the shorts and shirt I had on.

"In my room beside my bed grab me the jeans on my bed also, I'm not wearing these on the back of a motorcycle." I said as he nodded his head and ran to the elevator and returned minutes later with my knee high boots, skinny jeans and my messenger bag.

"Thanks, did you call him while you were up there? Because you have my school bag." I said as he helped me into my jeans and I got my shoes on.

"Yea, but he said to grab it because we're going on a mission and you might want something to do on the plane ride there, don't worry, your gear's on the plane. He said as I slung the bag over my shoulder and slid on my aviators.

"Okay, we better get going. Can i get some assistance here?" I asked, looking at his low riding rust colored chopper and back at him. Without a word he picked me up and set me down on the bitch seat and climbed on.

"Hold on tight, it's not that far! Just a little ways across town." He said before making the bike roar to life and barreled down the street on our way to the E.R.

"Let's do that again." I said as he parked in the parking lot and set me on the ground after he got off.

"Yea, you'll have let your dad let me take you to a bike rally next month called R.O.T down in Austin, Texas. Nurse?" He said as we walked in and got the lady at the front desk of the E.R.

"Can I help you?" She asked, looking at him and he put an atm around my shoulder.

"Yes, you see, my girlfriend here fell and landed on her wrist and we are afraid it's broken. Can we get a doctor?" He asked as she nodded and got out from behind her desk, handed him a clipboard, and led us to a waiting place.

"Please fill that out, Mr. Fredrick will be with you in a moment." She said sourly, and closing the curtain with an angry swish!

"Well she seems happy. Would you like me to read you the questions and I'll write down the answers?" He suggested, easing himself into the chair next to the examination table which I had gotten up on.

"Sure, fire away." I said as he clicked the pen in his hand and began to ask my full name when the doctor walked in.

"Hello Gunnar, you don't have to fill that out. Let me see your wrist." The middle aged black man said, feeling my wrist, turning it this way and that, seeing how far I could bend it, and after a few minutes he said something. "You have a sprained wrist, the crack you probably felt was popping because it had never been bent  that way. I'll just wrap you up some pain meds that will make you feel woozy, so no shooting guns, throwing knives, operating vehicles, and flying planes." Looking at me like he knew something, he grabbed a roll of gauze, handed me a bottle from a cabinet, and started to wrap up my wrist. He let us go after I had taken  2 pills and stated to feel woozy like he said.

"Woah, he was so right. I hope dad doesn't make me fly. Why'd you say I

I was your girlfriend to that nurse? I'm not." I said as we walked out to the parking lot, and everything started to go fuzzy.

"Well," he started, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me from falling. "Maybe you will be hopefully."

"Okay  but my dad told me to stay away from you. That you were bad." I said as he set me up on the bike.

"Me? Bad? I'm a nice guy, hold on tight spider monkey." He said, getting on and l wrapped my arms around him. Even though my memory was a bit fuzzy this was the best day of my life ever, and I hope more  would come my way.

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