Shopping With Miranda

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"That looks cute." She said as I walked out of the dressing room in a black miniskirt, midriff tee, and knee high boots.

"Yea. got a pair of tights and a longer tee?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Here try these, compression shorts, they'll make you feel more comfortable, and here's a ACDC tee." She said tossing me a shirt and spandex shorts as I walked back into the dressing room. I slid on the shorts and tee, and instantly felt better.

"Okay thanks Rand, got anything elese?" I asked walking out as she set something black in my hands with black lace 5 inch pumps.

"You done changing yet?" She asked as I slid the strechy, black fabric of a tube top on and slid on the skinny jeans and pumps.

"Am I going to a funeral?" I asked looking at a the all black attire as she gave it a second look.

"Nah, it doesn't look good as an outfit. It's mix and match pieces, let's go to the next store. Go get changed." She said as I walked into the dressing room and thankfully changed into my clothes. I Brought out the 2 sets of clothes and set them on the counter next to the bigger pile. This day was going to be torture.....

        5 painstaking hours later......

"There they are, how was the day of shopping?" Barney asked as I grabbed like 3 of the 15 bags out of Miranda's trunk of her Porsche and walked through the open garage door.

"Don't ask, and I am never going shopping with her again. What have you done?" I asked as he had a suspicious smile on his face.

"Nothin, go unpack, you'll thank me later."

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. Weird, the door was unlocked, I swore it was locked, then pushed open the cracked door to see a mural painted on the far window with the fire escape. Dark colors of red, black, light grey, and hints of a very frosty blue.

"Oh wow, this amazing. How'd Tool do it that fast?" I wondered out loud in awe, looking at it. Matter of fact, it almost matched the tattoo on my arm.

"I had a little help. Gunnar inspired me some, I can do better though." I heard Tool say from the doorway and I turned to see him and Gunnar. Tool perfectly clean and not a speck of paint on him, and Gunnar had paint smeared over his black muscle shirt and I giggled.

"Yea yea, laugh all you want." He said, smiling at me.

"Whatever, thanks you guys, I love it." I said, giving Tool a hug and reaching up on my tip toes to kiss Gunnar on cheek before they left me alone.

"Hey Angel, I'm enrolling you in school today. That alright?" Barney asked, leaning against the doorway to my room as I looked up from my sketchpad.

"Fine by me, how am I going to get to school?" I asked as he chuckled and tossed me a full faced helmet.

"I probably won't be here when you get up 'cause I have some very important things to take care of, so Gunnar's taking you to school and crashing here for the night. It starts at 9, and you'll get your orientation stuff in the morning. Any kind of classes you want to take just circle the ones you want on this list and  give back to me before you go to bed." He said, handing me a thick stack of papers that were filled with classes.

" Okay dad, thanks." I said as he walked out and started flipping through the pages and finally chose these:

Knife workshop

Designing Fashions

Weapon Sketching

Paint mixing


Tattoo Design

Anime Cartoon Graphic course 3

"Here you go dad." I said, sliding him the list across the kitchen table as Tool set a dish of chicken Alfredo in front of me.

"Good Choices, sit down and eat," he said, flipping through the packet as i sat down and lit into my food.

"Thanks, where's Gunnar?" I asked, putting my plate in the sink, and he raised an eyebrow at me from over the top of a old, worn, paperback novel.

"Why do you care?"

"Just wondering that's all."

"You sure about that?" Tool gave me a look of approval.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, that guy's bad news sometimes. I understand if you like him, he's got good charm when he's not the trigger happy merc we know." He said as I started to walk to my room.

"Yea I know,I'm going to bed. Night!!!" I called before closing my door. I set an alarm on my phone, popped a new pill for prescription of my meds, and fell into the warm recesses of my bed as I fell asleep.

Hey guys!

     Sorry it's been forever, but hopefully you like this chapter because it took alot of trial and error to get this one chapter done, but maybe the next chapter will be easier to write. I'm thinking of doing a Walking dead/ CreepyPasta fanfiic next, but can't think of  title. Can I get some ideas up in here? It would be greatly appreciated. Please don't get mad at me if I don't use any of your guy's ideas, these suggestions are total inspiration for me! You people are my motivation to keep me going and helping my writing skills soar! I love you all so much!!!!

      Until we meet again

                              Truthfully yours,


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