Uncle Tool and Tattoo Truth

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"Hey look it's my one and only niece! How ya doin kid?" A man with salt and pepper hair that hung down to his shoulders asked me as I got out of Barney's pickup.

"Pretty good, I'm Beca, or you can call me Angel, your choice." I said as dad got my stuff from in the back.

"Cool who came up with Angel?"

"I did, he suggested I have a nickname."

"Cool, when you going to school?" He asked as I perched on a barstool, and he sat in a chair as I lit up another cigarette.

"Don't know, but he's going to enroll me and find out at the New Orleans's school of art. I can draw pretty well, but I don't get it from mom or dad, he thinks I get I from you." I said showing my forearms to him.

"Definitely do, your dad cant draw to save his life. Why don't I do something on your arm for ya like maybe something you like. Have anything in mind?" I thought about this on the plane, but had no idea what I wanted whatsoever.

"I have no idea, do whatever you want." I said sitting on the motorcycle tattoo chair.

"Okay. well let me see this forearm and I'll start." He said grabbing my clean one and turning it over and over. "You like roses?" I nodded.

"Yea their cool, I've never seen one in real life though. Tiger lilies are pretty too." I said as he started. People told me tattoos didn't hurt, they are fucking wrong, this felt like my arm was on fire

"What's you weapon of choice?"

"It's a tie between a Magnum 66 revolver and a knife. I like the one Gunnar has." I said as they both laughed."

"Be careful around him, he can be a little psychotic sometimes. He used to have a degree in Chemical Engineering, then he wanted to get close to this girl, so he became a bouncer at that bar and became chemically unbalanced himself. Believe it or not the girl dumped him." Barney said as people walked in the garage door.

"Hey were closed." Tool grunted looking over.

"Well we need tattoos. We'll pay extra. Isn't she too young?" One of the 5 guys with a British accent asked pointing to me.

"Piss off!" I snapped as Tool and Dad chuckled.

"Who do you think you are telling Louis Tomlinson piss off?" He asked, setting his hands on his hips.

"Someone who doesn't know who you are. I just moved to America. Aren't you those guys that sing Rock Me? Something with Direction right?" I asked squinting at them.

"One Direction, where'd you move from?" The blond one popped off with a Irish accent.

"Villiena, it's a little island in the gulf of Mexico." I said

"Cool." Another said.

"Beca I'm done, your dad will show you to your room. Sorry guys, I can't it's 3' 0clock in the fucking morning. OUT!" Tool roared as I looked a my forearm that was twisted this way and that way with roses and Tiger lilies that climbed up to my elbow with skulls here and there, blue angel wings, and my name.

"Come on Angel ,you'll need this, last door on the left." Barney said tossing me a key and pointing down a hallway in the back. I unlocked the door and saw amazement, black, red, and white with chalkboard walls. It was pretty cool, better than my boring old room that had white walls, twin sized bed, and one old beat up desk in the corner, I even had my own bathroom here! I decided to take a shower and off to bed with me.

"ANGEL!!!! GET YOUR ASS UP!" I heard someone holler at me and banged on the door as I fell off the bed, but it wasn't Tool or Barney.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped at Gunnar as I opened the door.

"Oh shit I woke up the monster, do I need to call Van Helsing?" He asked, trying to soften me up by giving me a killer smile.

"No you made me fall out of bed, what the fuck do you want?" I grumbled.

"Wake up call. Miranda's here." He said walking off as I shut the door, locked it , and lit up a cigarette. I changed into my lucky pair of skinny jeans, WWII combat boots, and my one and only beat up leather jacket over a white tank top. I made one long French braid down my back, grabbed my wallet, and locked the door behind me.

 "Hi you must be Rebeca I'm Miranda." A lady with brown hair and hazel eyes said as I walked into the tattoo parlor.

"Yea that's me. you can call me Angel." I said shaking her hand.

"Cool, I know that we are going to have so much fun together! Where should we start shopping?." She asked as I rolled my eyes. This was gong to be a long day.

 Angel here! I hope your liking it so far, because it's so much fun to write this story! I really wish he was my dad, but it'd be so much work! Hey that's what you gotta go when you want to do something right?

Until next not in like 2 chapters!

~Angel ross~

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