Chapter 13

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The hurricane had ruined the zoo. Beyond repair. The pack were the only ones not hurt. Even my old pack is hurt! The den had kept us more protected against the harsh winds and everything going on around us. The giant rock was on it's side. The tree was torn in half. The gate was bent to were I could just step over it not even having to leap. To say it is ruined is a under statement. I let out a sigh, I know what is coming today. I have that gut feeling every wolf gets when it is time to go some where. We hope our pack comes with us. Our pups, our mates, our alphas, the whole pack. We are one. The pack can get split up. Every wolf knows this just as much as a pride of lions or a herd of elephants knows, we yearn for the chopped off pieces of our Pack, Pride, or Herd. We are not complete without them no matter what the case is unless they were total butts. In my older case it was they were buts and still are butts. The moans and groans echoed around me making me want to just shut my eyes and pray. Seeing as how I don't have hands that wouldn't work out so well.

I gave out a sigh. A hour after everyone had left to go to safety in their homes we had gotten hit. I wondered how the handlers are keeping up. I knew one thing for sure. The tornado had hit almost everything in it's sigh but then just , well, disappered. The zoo was already going down hill and heck if worst came to worst we would be taken to Yellowstone National Park. With bison, elk, carabu, even other wolves. I just sat there on the ground as I heard the pounding heave footsteps my ears perked. The dried mud and dirt on my fur made me look savage - I had looked down.

"Go check on the wolves!" I heard a male voice shout - Buck was here. 

I rushed up to the gate along with the rest of the pack and jumped out. Luke! His hair is a mess and his shoe laces untied and clothes looked to be thrown on but he is still here! I let out a soft sound of happiness as he rushed up to us and patted us with eyes glossy. 

"Buck the pack is alright!" He shouted delighted. 

It is true. Not even one scrape. "Not even a scratch!" Luke shouted

"Are they okay to go on a drive?"

"Yes,Buck! They look like it!"

"Look like it?" 

"Yes! Not good enough, check them again!" He shouted and so Luke did. He belt down an hecked each and every one of us for scrapes. Eli went under me with a whimper and so I bent my head down and lickd her as I had done so many times before. She licked the under of my jaw and let out a puppy sigh. I gave her a grumble for sighing but then my ears perked.

"Yes boss. They are fine!" Luke shouted.

"Can they go then?" Buck shouted.

"I'm guessing so!"

"Good, load them up! We're going to Yellowstone!" Buck shouted with a shimer of sweat running down his forhead. 

Ha! Told you the zoo was going down hill! They can't even fix it. Just sending us to a park with other animals. But it is okay I guess. Not much of a change but just being free and having to catch our own food and work together as a pack. It should be okay for the time being. I hope. I heard stories of Yellow Stone and what the do there. Wolves that had been injured had been brought to here before. Or those who couldn't cope with the harsh winters that every wolf has to go through. So they brought them here.

"Ey ey sir!" he spoke softly before running. He wanted us to chase him. I bolted after him with the pack close behind. A car engine was heard and when we had finally gotten there, it was more than one car. Multiple cars were parked, all but two with animals in them. The tigers, elephants, badgers, parrots, monkeys, girafees, and many more already loaded and looked to be pulling out.

My soft sigh was bearly heard as I jumped up straight into the trailer. Hay is spread around with little slits of light coming through.

"Bye Harmony," Luke said when every wolf was in the trailer and slammed it shut.We are destined to go to Yellowstone.

When There

The trailer back up onto the grazed grass where they will release us. Whines and snarls echoed around us seeing as how my old pack was in the trailer beside us. Yup, there were going to be released too. Terrible isn't it? I think so atleast. My pack was dead silent listening. Then it happened - they were released. I sat and watched them all scurry away and spread out running in all different directions. Idiots. You are a pack so they need to act like it!  

"Man, they won't survive long out here if they do that..." Someone trailed off near the trailer. 

"I know, I know. These wolves might not either,look at how calm they are." Someone else said.

We will survive. We have the eye of the wolf. When the other wolves were far enough away our trailer opened. And out I jumped. I was the first one out and took Eli by the scruff and pulling her down when she whimpered. Crasher's mother carried Lilly. When my brother of the old pack approuched I stood up tall with my hackles raised and teeth barred. He replied with a whimper, turned on his belly, then fled away. He looked as if he was sincerly sorry. He didn't flee to the pack though. He fled the opposite direction away. 

"They will." I heard Luke say.

Luke had come! I turned instantly and bolted up to him. I sprung on him when I was close enough and licked his face in a goodbye sort of manor. He would surly come and visit I hope.

"Bye Harmony," He said distantly and laid a flat hand on my back and rubbed before I turned towards my howling pack.

And so I ran. We are in Yellowstone National Park and just maybe, just maybe, I will see Luke again. When they drove away we circled around each other and did a howl in Harmony.

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