Chapter One

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I tilt my head up looking at the people looking at my enclouser and my familys. They pointed to my brother and slut-wolf sister, mother and father. They were all muddy brown, thin and ugly with the color of the eyes also. They were also aggresive, how my father was a previous alpha? I don't know. A guy with dirty blond hair threw a rock at me and started teasing me, "Oh little wolfy mad? Come at me!" I bared my teeth at him a deep snarl rumbling in my throught. I instantly started to walk slowly up to the fence before turning and throwing myself at it making it go out then come back in. 

My family looked at me with disgust. Why? My coat for the past weak has been gray, white and black. I had a light grey body with a wide stride inbetween my eyes, back paws and a black tip of my tail. All in all I was beautiful.They guy yelped slightly and ran away. My snarl died down but I was still angry, I sat down my tail tucked around my waist with my bright blue eyes shinning on display. Shots of cameras echoed around me as my sister trotted up to a boy who was around 17 she layed down,as he walked away she got up and lifted her tail showing her uh thing. 

Yup. She just showed it to the whole zoo. The whole fucking zoo! She was on camera, idiot sister but that got the guys attention and he went back to her. I ran back a few steps as he tried to tease me again, my ears went back on my head, my lips turned up so much I looked like joker! I launched myself at the fence ending up on the top of the fence. My back feet struggled slightly as I couldn't catch my footing. 

"Harmony! No! Get down!" A manager shouted at me. Why would I listen to him? No, that's right I won't. The height of the fence? A mere 10 feet. "Luke, Luke! Take care of your wolf!" Luke, oh yes Luke. He was my care taker, the one who I was only affectionite to. He was here today! My ears perked up as I caught my footing, my angry stiff stance loosened dramatically. My face resorted into joy. I wuffed slightly as my tail wagged.

The zoo was closing in 30 minutes anyways. It was 5:30 pm.There was a meeting tonight also. I forgot about the fence and lost my balance before going down. Bracing myself I landed on the concreate. I've done this before actully. Luke was in my sight! I snapped my jaws at the guy before I ran towards Luke. I wiggled my tail my whole body rocking.

"Hey baby." He cooed patting my head before slapping his thigh. I turned around him and sat by his thigh. He can only control me. He pulled out a speaker phone that he had on him. "Attention folks, the Manford Zoo is going to close in 15 minutes, please get your belongings and do not leave anything behind, thank you." He spoke loud and clear in the mic. My ears perked at the loudness. Everyone pushed and shoved to get out.

In the rucus of all of that  a little girl tripped close to me and latched onto my neck so she wouldn't fall down. My head turned slowly to her before licking her face. "Can you help me get out of the crowd?" she asked hopfully. I looked back at Luke and the manager. Luke nodded and scooped up the little girl. His muscles flexed. Luke had black hair and blue eyes with good facial features. He was also 19.

"Come here *female dog* ." He laughed slightly at the pun. I stood up my ears going back on my head as I bared my canines. He cannot talk to me like that. He made a move to hit me but I crouched down before lunging at him. Before he knew what was going on he was on the ground bellow a she-wolf, possibly weighing more than him. Amazing for him right? Wrong. Deep rumbles went through my throught, my lips pulling back more. He wasn't the manager for the wolves, nope, it was the badgers.  

"Meeting in five minutes, Section one and three of the wolves please come up with the care takers, thank you. Section three and four will be next."The deep voice boomed over the speakers. A huffing Luke came around a corner before grabing my scruff trying and failing at getting me off. I had enough of this and grazed  his hand with one of my teeth before hoping off the manager, not before good measure of stepping on his man organ. Now time for the meeting! 

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