Chapter 12

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I sat watching the people move in a fast pace around the zoo. The hustle and busle was back - yet again. I sometimes sit and wonder what being free would be like instead of in a zoo. Maybe I would be in the middle of the forest with a mate. Maybe there would be two hundred wolves of all shapes and sizes! Turkey dinner every few weaks instead of the raw meat and if you're lucky grilled meat. Maybe in pack hunts! I shook my head of all the crazy thoughts as the sky turned pink and dark blue - the sun is setting. My tail tucked around me as I sat ontop of the giant grey flat rock below me. My ears flickered back as I watched the pups.

They ran around the exhibit with no care in the world as they streched their tiny muscles in the compact bodies. I turned away from the playful fighting pups playing around. A smile if I was human tugged on the corner of my jaws. I felt the presence of another being behind me. I didn't bother to look at the wolf behind me and he or she didn't seem to mind as the wolf came up to my side and brushed my fur with its. I glanced over and saw it was Crasher. He nuzzeled my cheek with a wolf like pur. I turned my head to his and licked his cheek making him let out a happy grunt. 

I leaned my shoulder on his as my head laid on his head.That all vanished when the news cast all ran down to our pack while shouting and fussing. The pup's raced towards us with whimpers as they crawled under us being eveloped in our soft underbelly.Luke and Xavior ran as Ariyana was on their heels, ran to the exhibit. 

"You seriously need to flipping take out pictures?" Xavior said easily keeping up at a steady jog. 

"The wolf bit the guy and responded to the young girl, Sir." One lady in high heels and a short tight black dress said and grabbed a microphone before standing infront of the big grey rock. 

"One, two, three! On air!" One man shouted as he flicked a button on a camera. 

The lady put her hand up by my legs infront of me making me growl slightly. "Hello Wymoing news, today we have a story as we said we would at six o' clock. The wolf standing behind me, Harmony called by many at the zoo, is a wolf who had responded to a young girl. When a man holding the gun to the girl's head let out a scream this wolf had ran towards the sound. Skip forwards a tiny thirty minutes or so of standing there and when the man had dropped the gun but as her handler Luke says was about to retrive it she had ran to bite him. She had tackled the young gun man and had bitten him - as I said earlier she had responded to the young girl. When the girl had said for her to get off she had stopped attacking and walked over to her, why? We may never know but we know one thing for certain she is a hero to this young girl," She said monotone and I growled loudly when she touched Ariyana's shoudler.She started figiting.

Jumping off of the rock I charged at the lady standing in the protection of the fence. She screeched and waved her hands around when she saw me directly at her but what she didn't notice is I came to a dead stop when she took it off. Dirt flew up around me as I dug my paws into the rough fake grass.The man behind the camera chuckled at the lady - he is a younger looking guy. Maybe fresh out of College. 

When they had finally went away the picture people were right behind them for the real news part of it. 

"Take the wolf out and place her infront of Ariyana!" One demanded positioning the camera to her. Standing infront of her I watched him with fierceness in my eyes. I heard the click before he backed off with a thumbs up and ran out of the zoo.

"Come on Harmony, get Crasher and Eli. We have to go to check-ups." I howled to the wolves and the immedeatly responded with running closly to me. The other handlers were right behind us taking the twins at the same times, then the mates with little Lilly.We all started walking in straight lines with the handlers behind us.

While walking down the windy path that swivelled every where as we went down it, I even slipped a few times. Panting I almost slipped on the ground that had been sprayed with water. Event the handlers were having hard times keeping up! My old pack was just coming out of the cage with nasty scowls on their faces. Growling was emmiting from them in low waves. They were tense with ears pinned back and my sister's belly was almost ready to explode! My ears flickered back as I unconciously hide the pups from their view. My low growls meeting theirs in my pack of all colors.

They responded by snarling and pacing around the gate. The handlers shouting hello to everyone with happy grins. I feel sorry for the people who have to deal with my old pack. Vicious, self centered, mud brown, skinny, wolves that couldn't give less of a care if the handler had gotten shot. When we had finally made it back to walking on the trail sense every single handler had stopped to say hello to the others we had to all walk together. Both packs. So I did a rational thing. I jumped over every wolf and seperated the packs with me in the middle. My glare directed at my mother beside me who was cowering down at me as I raised my height.

My father's gaze flicked over to me as he let out a loud growl. I tensed at his growl before turning my head barring my teeth with hackles raised and ears pinned back I let out a vicious growl louder than his petty growl. By that time we were out of the zoo and on our way to check-ups.

At the check-ups 

"They are healthy boys." The doc said and was about to wave us off when the news came on showing forcasts. 

"A tornado is coming towards the zoo looking to be carrying Florida's harsh hurricane winds. Stay safe a-" then it cut off in static. Needless to say we had rushed back to the zoo, places us in the exhibits and left. An hour later the torando was in my view. I had ran and went into the large den burrowed beneath the fake grass. We were ontop of eachother as we heard the harsh sounds and the cyclone spinning around and around.

It was going to destroy everything.

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