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It all started one sunny day when everything seemed like a dream, the lives of every one in the kingdom of Far Far Away were happy and carefree. But not everyone had it that good.

The king and queen were visiting Crone's Cove to make a deal with Rumpelstiltskin to get their daughter out of her tower. As most everyone knows, Fiona had been saved so they didn't have to sign the deal and the rest of the story played out the way it did. But what if Shrek hadn't been there? And what if, let's say, the kingdom of Far Far Away became a haven for the wicked?

My name's Melissa, I'm sixteen years old and was living happily in the kingdom when the King and Queen disappeared and with them, went all of the kingdoms sanity.

About two months into Rumpelstiltskin's reign, he went to see a soothsayer to get a gage of his future. When he came back, his mood was so foul that nearly all the witches were at risk of losing their jobs. Word got out that his forture was an ancient something didn't have anything to do with him, as time past, the fortune itself leaked out into the streets;

"One day, a young girl will come from a world hidden to those rich in gold. She will be kind and sweet in nature and shall be make a witch because of her powers. But she'll remain pure of heart and never adopt the green skin of a witch, hence she'll still be human. But through all this, she'll have two males pining for her; one she'll despite with every bone in her body, the other she'll cherish with all the love in her heart. And no matter what the opstacles, she shall find a way to break you right down the middle."

Afterwards, he sent the witches out to collect every child in the land to be taken to his palace by force. Once you were taken, you never returned. As time continued on, parents became desperate and began sending their kids to live with Ogre Resistance. But even then, the witches continued to take kids like there was no tomorrow. Soon there were twenty of us, then eighteen, then twelve, eight, five, then there was only me.

And that's where the story begins...

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