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Living with my boyfriend or fiance had been...interesting so far to say the least. I had never lived with another male before unless you counted my father who restricted his mess to the bedroom he and my mother shared. I had never stayed with a significant other. The most I did was spend a night or two over but this? This was different.

It had only been a few months but I could say I was enjoying living with Hardik. He wasn't that messy, he wasn't too clingy. We still had lives outside of each other even if we did share the same living space. I still spent some of my nights out with my friends and he did the same thing with his cricketer buddies. It was refreshing and a bit of a surprise to me that we managed to keep the core of our relationship the same even amidst the big move. People sometimes do talk about us living together but I did not care nor did he. Especially when I would be living with him anyway after our wedding next year. And both our parents knew and approved of it as my parents didn't want me living in Mumbai alone and they didn't want to relocate from Delhi where they've lived all their life .

It was afternoons like this that I longed to rush home. I had a long day at work and all I wanted to do was pull my hair down and climb into a comfortable cuddle on the couch while I caught up on the episodes on 13 reasons why. I turned the lock to the door and entered, dropping my purse to the couch I planned on returning to before I headed upstairs calling out Harry's name.

"In here!" I heard him yell back in a scratchy, barely audible voice.

I walked into the bedroom to see Rohit and Parthiv right by Hardik's side as he laid in our bed. They turned to look at me as soon as I entered the room.

"Hi Y/N," they spoke out in unison like children about to be scolded by their parent after a long day. I giggled to myself.

"What's going on? Why are you two here?" I walked further into the room and leaned down, ready to place a kiss to Hardik's cheeks but it was quickly intercepted as Rohit stuck out his hand to cover my lips before I could reach my fiance.

"Uh uh. He's sick. Stay far far away," he warned.

"Plus I'm pretty sure he hasn't brushed his teeth yet today so save yourself," Parthiv added. I laughed even more at the glare Hardik gave him.

I could see now that the color that was usually in his face was dull. The tip of his nose was red as if he had held a tissue to it all morning,his eyes droopy, the skin dry from being irritated. I dropped a hand to touch his warm cheek. "How long have you been sick?"

"I started feeling it last night and then I just woke up this morning feeling worse. You were already gone this morning for work so I thought I'd call these two for help instead."

I gave him a sympathetic frown. It was usually me who was the sick one and Hardik was stuck cleaning up after my snotty mess, cooking my dinner, and calling my boss to let him know that I wouldn't be coming into work. Now it was him who was the miserable one.

"I'm not too sure I would have called these two of all people." I motioned to Rohit and Parthiv who gave me stern disapproving glares, ones that made me giggle myself.

"I've done a damn good job. Here, taste this soup." Parthiv turned some in his seat next to the bed before he reemerged facing me and holding a small bowl of what looked to be soup. I didn't know how much of a cook he was but I was sure I didn't trust eating after Hardik.

"No thanks," I refused. "I'm full actually."

"Your loss," he shrugged before he put the bowl back down in its place.

"Are you two planning on staying the rest of the day taking care of him? I'm actually impressed. Who knew you two were good nurses?" I smirked.

"No. We're just staying until you cook us dinner as a thank you for our hard labour and then we're heading back to the hotel. We have do have a match against Hyderabad the next day" Rohit commented. I could tell even with the smile on his face that he was serious about the dinner.

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