Breakdowns 🚗

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Had I been smart enough, I wouldn’t have wasted so much money on this old car. Had I been smart enough, I would have invested my money on purchasing a newer, more reliable car to get me through the city.

But I wasn’t smart. Instead I had drained my always uncomfortably low bank account on this train wreck of a car that insisted on causing me trouble at all of the worst times including now as I pulled to the side of the street in a luxurious neighborhood with homes sprawled over perfect green lawns decorated by flowers I had never probably even seen before.

My lawn wasn’t really a lawn at all. It was an apartment complex with the little bit of grass present usually covered by toys and balls the neighborhood kids left lying around. It looked nothing like this and my car stuck out like a sore thumb as well, the worn paint and the so obvious pre-2010 car emblems dully shining under the night sky.

“Shit,” I cursed to myself as I pounded my steering wheel and removed my keys to get out and inspect. Not like I really knew what the hell was wrong with my car. Every week it was always something new. The transmission one day, the tailpipe the next, the headlights another day. There was always something wrong with this car to suck me dry and I had yet to accumulate enough money to just drop this junk and get a new one.

Instead I was stuck with this piece of crap and cursing myself now as the engine stalled and refused to climb back to life. I smoothed the flowy dress I wore that stopped right in the middle of my thigh. I cursed myself once more realizing I was going to have to climb down to the ground on my knees to look under the car before I checked under my hood and looked inside of the engine.

I twirled about to make sure there was no one outside just incase my dress was a little too short. The streets seemed quiet besides my own exasperated breathing. Homes were lit up as children and their parents probably played inside or prepared for bed. They weren’t looking to help out some strange girl whose old car had given out on her.

I got down on my knees and peaked under the car to see if there was anything dangling from the bottom of the car. It was hard to see given the lack of light so I reached for my phone in the interior of my car and shined the light under the car.

Seeing nothing unusual, I got off of the ground and headed to the front of my car to open the hood. I liked to pretend I actually knew what I was doing but I had absolutely no clue what to look for nor what to do if there was anything obviously unusual.

I bit down on my lip and peered inside further, reaching around. I quickly withdrew my hand as one of my fingers touched something painfully hot but I went right back to looking once I shook away the painful sting.

“Excuse me?”

The sudden deep voice from behind me caused me to jump and my head collided with the hood of my car. “Fuck!” I reached for the back of my head where the impact was before I turned to see a tall man standing behind me. “Wait…you’re Hardik Pandya ? Shit.”

He chuckled. “I am. And you are…?”

“No one you would know,” I blushed. “My car broke down and I’m just trying to figure it out so I can get the hell out of here. Sorry. Is this your place?” I looked to the unlit home to my left and then back to Hardik who nodded.

“It is. I was a bit confused so as to who was waiting for me here but it makes sense. What’s wrong with your car?” He tried to peek closer and I shrugged.

“I have absolutely no clue. It’s old?” I giggled. “There’s always something wrong with this thing.”

“Let me look at it.” He moved past me and I gladly stepped away so he could gain a better look. I did my part by shining the light from my phone into the direction he was looking. I couldn’t tell if he really knew what he was doing but by the looks of it, it didn’t seem so. His hands continued fumbling from one area to the next, his face screwing up with either confusion or concentration. I wasn’t sure which one it was.

This continued on for a few minutes longer before I burst into laughter, causing him to look over his shoulder towards me with a smile. “Something funny?”

“You just seem a bit confused. That’s all.”

He let out a short laugh and gave a small shrug. “Well…yeah. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing but I thought maybe it would be easy enough it would just come to me.”

He straightened himself and stopped looking under the hood to look at me instead. “It’s fine. I understand. I should probably just call a mechanic or something to come fix it. But thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Does your car always give you this much trouble?”

I sighed and gave a slow nod. “Yes. All the time. I swear I’ll get a new car eventually. One day,” I winked and he just gave a playful smile in return.

“Well hey you can wait inside of my place until the mechanic comes,” he suggested as he pointed towards the home in the distance. “Just so long as you promise you’re not some psycho looking to steal my belongings and sell them on the internet.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I think if I wanted to do that your warning came a little too late.”

“You’re right. I trust you.”

A/N :

This is so short and weird ( I mean stuff like this hardly ever happens lol)  but it's all I could manage.

My half yearly is in 3 weeks and I literally know shit.

Sometimes I wish I had taken up Humanities or something 😭

There are two more imagines sitting in my drafts which I'll publish soon .

After that there will be no updates till the end of August.


Hardik Pandya Imagines✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang