Elliot Meets Little Ms. Einstein

Start from the beginning

"Riley, listen, I'm sorry I made an example of you. So here's a gift for you."  Cory held out a small gift.

"Ooh." Riley reached out for it.

"No!" Elliot slapped her hand away.

"I want to." Riley reached out for it again.

"No!" Elliot slapped her hand away.

"Pretty ribbon."  Riley reached out for it a third time.

"No!" Elliot slapped her hand away.

"I'll take my chances with that, sir," Lucas told him.

Cory gave Lucas the gift.

"No, Lucas. You have to assume it was no good because the first one was no good. Aren't you all proud of me, dad" Riley asked with a smile.

"No." Cory shook his head.

Lucas unwrapped the gift and held out a card.

"Get out of detention free."  Lucas read the card.

"Ooh, I could use one of those. Gimme that and I won't call you 'Ranger Rick' all week." Maya told him.

"Here you go." Lucas held out the card.

"Thanks, Ranger Roy." Maya grabbed the card.

"Lemme guess. Ranger Roy is filling in for Ranger Rick?" Lucas asked.

"All week." Maya nodded.

"And now you," Maya smirked at Cory.

"Oh, is something gonna happen to me?" Cory asked, amused.

"Yes, it is." Maya jumped on Cory's desk and danced around while singing.

Maya: A De-de-de-de-detention but not today boom!

"Read the card." Cory chuckled.

"Huh?" Maya was confused.

"Card," Cory told her.

"Say 'get out of detention free' then give worthless card to Maya then watch her dance on my desk." Maya
read in a monotone.

Maya then went back to her desk.

"Never assume. Look more deeply. Just because something is wrapped up all pretty, doesn't always mean it is." Cory told the class.

"You were in on this!" Maya glared st Lucas.

"I'm Ranger Roy and I'll be here all week." Lucas tipped his imaginary hat.

"Oh-ho-ho." Maya shuddered in annoyance.

Elliot, Riley, Lucas, and Maya were watching the debate competition. The debate was on school uniforms.

"In conclusion, school uniforms reduce individuality which will be unnecessary in the real world when you're all working for me. Thank you. I am Farkle!" Farkle took a bow.

"I don't understand debate," Riley spoke up.

"I say you do," Maya told her.

"Okay." Riley nodded.

"I like debate exploring two sides of the same thing good and bad, light and dark, right in front of you at the same time. Where else are you gonna get that?" Lucas asked.

"You're kidding me right?" Elliot pointed to Riley and Maya.

Riley had a bright smile on her face as Maya glared at him.

Elliot Meets World ( season 1) Where stories live. Discover now