A Grey-Blue Hell

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The ice-cold water hit me like an electric shock. I was stunned and panic filled my body like the suffocating ,salty sea water filling my lungs. The world was a blur, a grey and blue hell. Whenever I managed to force my head above the waves, daggers of spray hit me before another huge wave forced me under again. I couldn't think straight. Memories flashed in front of my eyes: my father patching up the hole in my boat,my brother bowling to me in a game of cricket,Billy Campbell shoving me against the wall.
"Loner...no friends or talents..!"
The words echoed in my ears repeatedly. I had not heeded them at the time. " Just a load of rubbish don't listen to them my lad" my father had said. But now, in my last moments, I realised that Billy had just been speaking the facts. I had no real friends, that I could tell my secrets to, that would invite me over. Not that I would say yes to them of course. Maybe that was the problem . I would go out fishing in the sea that I loved, that would be my grave. My grey, blue grave.

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