#11 I called mom

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I called mom

Pulling up to school, still feeling like crap after yesterday and last night, I carefully looked around making sure I wouldn’t get hurt anymore before stepping out of my brothers car.

I could see the gang chatting at our usual place, but I didn’t have the heart to go over there and face them all again, especially since Chase hates me more than shit and Nick caught me making out with his cousin who he had spoken about me to. I sighed and walked into school making sure not to get caught by any of them.

“Sophie, why aren’t you talking with your gang?” I turned to see a girl in my math class coming towards me then enveloping me into a hug.

“Just didn’t feel like talking with them this morning” I had gotten up early and walked home from Jamie’s and left her and Sav a note explaining that I was already dead for sneaking out.

“Is it because you and Chase had that massive argument? He was in such a shit mood after you left”

“My fault, he was being a prick so I told him where to go fuck himself” she just laughed and then went to our own lockers. Sadly, I knew I couldn’t avoid the gang forever, especially where I’m sitting in history, its going to be a suicide mission trying to survive Chase and Nick hating me. I wonder what the others are thinking.

“Sophie, are you alright?” I stepped into class and Cal shot up and came to give me a hug. At least he’s still my friend. I saw Chase glaring at his friend from the corner of my eye but ignored it.

“I’m fine, just getting over all the drama”

“All the drama?”

“Yeah, I’ll text you the drama” I said before going to me seat and pulling out my phone and texting him all that happened.

I looked at him as he read it and his face was priceless. He looked up at me stunned, with a questioning look as if to ask ‘are you serious’ that I nodded back to.

‘Damn, you got better drama than a soap ;)’


He replied making me laugh a little to myself.

“Do you guys ever stop flirting?” I felt like all the happiness within me drained and I was left with that sour feeling when the person who annoys you most annoys you even more.

“Why do you keep bothering me if you hate me so much?”

“I’m not bothering you, it was a rhetorical question”

“It’s not my fault you’re attracted to me”

“Attracted? Who would be attracted to a brainless bitch like you? You are the ugliest thing on any planet” I couldn’t keep my cool anymore, so I turned and faced Chase and punched his face.

“Sophie Kay” Mr. Gerald bellowed, I know he’d seen everything that had just happened, but right now I didn’t care; Chase deserved it.

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