A man with a plan

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Sorry for the lack of updates & short chapters.

Taehyung's P.O.V

As the carriage drives onto castle grounds I can't help but judge everything I see. I hate the King so much, not my father I mean, but Sehun's father. He's such a prick, a very selfish delusional and hypocrite prick. He hangs every homosexual in his kingdom but lets his son marry another boy? And for what? Because there's a war coming and our kingdoms need to join together as soon as possible. I wish they could just let my sister marry Sehun instead. It'd be a bit weird to see my eleven year old sis marry a 23 year old but at least I'd be saved from a planned marriage.

My father would be shocked to hear I'm gay though. My dad doesn't necessarily hate gays or punish them, he rather sees it as a sin and judges it. He wants me to marry a prince just 'as friends'. As he says it: "You don't need to love him or have sex with him. It's just pure business".

Sure, but I don't want to be married to a prince I don't know and live in a kingdom that hangs homosexuals. I want to marry Jungkook- what?- I never said that!

So anyway, I'm meeting Sehun after not seeing him for many years. The first and last time I saw him I was only a child and he was going through puberty. Not really the best time to meet each other. I was whining because I wanted to take a nap and he was much more interested in the pretty girls in town. Let's just say our fathers thought, for some random reason, that we'd make a good match.

"Ah Kim Taehyung, nice to finally see you again!", the King says as he was waiting for us in the throne room.

"Hello sir", I bow but don't smile back. He's already aware of the fact that I don't like him. A lot of greetings resonate through the room and before I know it I'm standing in front of Sehun's bedroom after being told he's feeling ill and I should visit him. I nervously knock on the door and hear a faint 'enter' coming from the other side. As I push the door open I'm met with a smiling Sehun sitting on his bed, no trace of sickness on his face.

"You look like you're doing well...", I frown, closing the door in the progress. He jumps off the bed and offers me a seat on the two chairs in the room.

"I was never sick", he admits, shrugging as I throw him a pointed look.

"But the King said-"

"Yeah yeah that I was sick, he says a lot, don't listen to him too much".

"I wasn't planning to", I mutter, staring at my hands, "So why did you lie about feeling ill?"

"Because... and don't take this personal, I wasn't really fond of seeing you", he mumbles, guilt evident on his face.

"Right back at ya", I sigh, noticing the way he lifts his eyebrows.

"Really? Why?"

"Because I have someone I love already and I haven't told him about this arranged marriage thing yet", I reply, eyes widening when I realize I had just admitted I crushed on a guy.

"Woah", Sehun breathes, eyes wide with surprise, "You're in love with a guy too!?"

It takes me moment to process what he said.

"Wait... too!?", I gasp, "You like one too?"

"Yeah!", Sehun grins excitedly, "He's called Luhan and he lives in the woods. I met him when I was hunting with my dad on our annual big hunt. I almost shot his dog".

"Sounds like the beginning of a great lovestory", I chuckle, noticing the way his eyes lit up as he was talking about his lover.

"I know right", he laughs, "He knows about the arranged marriage and supports it, knowing I can't stop my Prince duties".

I sigh, "I don't think Jungkook would accept it. He'd rather beat you to a pulp".

"Wait-", Sehun gasps, "Jungkook as in Jeon Jungkook? The most searched for assassin!?"

"That's the one", I nod, dropping my shoulders, "He's getting hanged in two days if I don't do anything".

"That's terrible", Sehun admits, patting my shoulder in support, "He's getting punished in our kingdom right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well maybe I have a plan... but only if you're in", he says suspiciously.

"If it's for Jungkook I'd do anything"

"Great", Sehun smiles, "This is how it goes-"

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