Coffee shop encounter

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You tied your apron on your hip.You're working as a part-time barista in Starbucks near Jellyfish entertaiment where many idols are..

"Hi! What would you like?" You asked the cute,hot but tall guy in front of you...

"Umm.. can i have a cup of (your favourite drink from starbucks)?" That guy asked

"Sure , of course!"you answered him

"Here you go!!Thank you! Please come back again!"you thanked that cute boy

"Sure! Thanks!" He smiled at you..

You could feel your heart pumping like mad


You took off the apron,took your bag and walked out of starbucks. Ending your work finally after a long and tired day but it was worth it! You've got to see a guy which is your ideal type!..his eyesmiles...his dimples.just makes your heart melt!

"hey!___" you heard a voice calling you.You turned to look at that person.

He was the guy whom made your heart sway! Yes! The guy whom you fell in love at first sight.

"Oh! H-Hi... what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to know if we could be friends..I'm Hongbin!"

"You know my name right?I'm ____!" You smiled and said

"I know! Your name tag says ____!" Hongbin giggled

You accepted the thought that Hongbin wants you as his agreed

Ever scince that day...Hongbin has been coming over to your work place,whenever he has time.That's almost everyday...Hongbin and you have became best friends,he would wait for you until you get off from work...Today he prepared something just for you!

----After work----

"Oppa! Where are you bringing me to?" You asked unable to contain your curiosity

"Shh! You'll find out in a while!" Hongbin smiled , his dimples were indeed one of the cutest things in the world

"Reached!!" Hongbin cheered

"Here?" You asked

"Ne!"Hongbin laughed at your cuteness

"Come! Sit here! I've prepared all these for you!"

Hongbin pulled out a chair for you to sit on

"Gomawo!!" You smiled and sat on the chair

After a while...Hongbin suddenly said

"____-ah...we've been best friends for a while! I don't want to ruin our friendship!.Promise me when i say this...even if you can't accept..we will still be the best of friends okay?" Hongbin asked holding out his pinkie

"Promise!" You chuckled at his seriousness

"Will you be my girlfriend? I've fell in love with you scince i first saw you " Hongbin asked looking deep in your eyes

"Hongbin oppa! I've seen how much you've given me..fetching me from work when you're free...coming over for a drink without fail,wasting so much money every single day to just come over to see me...

I really don't mind being your girlfriend!" You answered

"Jinja? ____-ah? Saranghae!!"

"Nado saranghae!"

-Kim cho hee / EXOEXOTICEXO

Thanks for reading!!

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