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This is Toby here. Mom died. Yea, the angel from heaven died. I can't even type this without crying so much, I can't see. I miss her so much. Masika keeps asking to see her and I try to keep telling her that she can't see her. She keeps saying,"Grandmama is always here, just like she said." Mom told her that when she was one. She's three now, how can she remember that far back? She remembers everything and is so smart. She acts older than how old she is. I just remembered about mom's blog and I decided to let you guys know what happened. So Wayne, Francisca, and Rudolph moved away after mom died. To another country I think. I hear nothing from them at all. Looks like I lost my brother and nephew. Dylin and Marisela got addicted to crack. Child protective services was called on them by neighbors when Tyler was crying all night. They came and took Tyler, they haven't fed him all day and they locked him in a room. I was called by the police when they admitted Tyler to the hospital. I was an emerengcy contact for him. I took Tyler into my care and am raising him. His parents aren't taking the help offered. I can't help much because I have a job and I have to support my family. Maybe one day Tyler can see them again. I'm not going to let him see them like this, it would be wrong of me to do so. Cara and I are living happily together. There was an argument over Tyler living with us. We came to an agreement that I would watch them sometimes while she relaxed in our room. She wants her me time and I understand that. Taking care of two kids isn't easy.
Time has gone on and I am doing what mom wanted me to. I'm keeping Masika away from danger and pain. She's smart and we are teaching her what mom wanted us to teach her. Masika will not feel pain as long as I'm around. I don't want that to happen to her. Jerald is hanging on. He has began to do what he has wanted to do with mom. After he made sure his health was perfect as it can be, he left to see the world. He also brought mom's ashes with him. He said he'll be back in a few months. I have him with a team who is going to look after him and some others who want to travel. I can't have him get hurt you know, he's my dad and my only parent left.
Dad came back home and is feeling better. This is the happiest I've seen him since mom died. Marisela overdosed I heard and is in the hospital. Dylin is still on crack and comes over sometimes. I make sure he's not, you know. Tyler knows but Masika doesn't know and I hope Tyler doesn't tell her. Not yet at least, they're only six.
Here are some pictures of them. I only have one picture of Rudolph and it's old.

 I only have one picture of Rudolph and it's old

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