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Hi, my name is Chasity Stone and this is the story of my life.
Let's start from where I was born.
My mom is Lily Stone. The most beautiful person in the world!! She could be a model with those good looks, that I inherited, but she is a world reowned surgeon. Also one of Daniel's kids. Daniel is my grandad that died before I was born. He had two kids by two different women. Mom, Lily, doesn't talk of her mom because she died while giving birth. My grandpa's other kid is Clover, her mom was the side chick. Turns out Clover was a lesbian and my grandpa disowned her so she moved away. Grandad raised his brother's kids and his own. The sidechick died of cancer, and it was hereditary. I don't know if Clover has it though, Clover didn't contact my mom.
My grandpa was a triplet and his brothers where Dash and Danny. They had kids and moved away leaving my grandad with their kids. Turns out that they didn't want kids and just left one night. That's pretty cruel.
So it was Rose, Jarred, Clover, and my mom in one house.
Rose married and had a son named Romeo.
Jarred married and had a daughter named Crystal.
Clover left.
Mom married my dad Quintin and had me, Chasity.
My mom had to raise us three all by herself. Rose and her husband, and Jarred and his wife were involved in a car accident and died. All in the same car and went out one night drinking. They drove drunk and payed for it with their lives.
I never knew my dad. He died a little after I was born.
Mom met my dad when she was a teenager and he was an adult. She fell in love at first sight and they were married when she was a young adult. Dad was an elder. They would've been married earlier but he left somewhere. They say my dad was the best, he was kind and nice to everyone and loved all around. I wish I knew him. I was born and dad died a few days after I was born. I never got to know him. I don't even remember what he looked like.
So mom raised us by herself and never remarried or dated again. She said he was her first and only love.
I was best friends with Crystal and friends with Romeo.
We grew up. Me now as an adult and my mom an elder. Romeo and Crystal married each other and had a son named Dylin. Crystal died in a plane crash on the way to look for a new house. Romeo was left alone with Dylin. But he had me and my mom to help. We are rich with $129,000 in the bank and a beautiful house to live in. I married Crystal's half brother, one of the twins.
Crystal's dad and a side chick too, and she had twins, Octavio and Frank. I married Frank, but we're skipping time.
After Crystal died, or before, Romeo had a interest in me. He never tried anything but it was an innocent crush thing.
I met Frank at school, I knew him since elemantary. He was one of the boys I brought home my first week of school. I brought home his brother Octavio on Monday, Frank on Wednesday, and my best friend Jerald on Thursday. They wanted to get to know me and asked could they come over. I saw no harm so they came over. Know that I think about it, I was probably a flirt. I met my other best friend Keely at the park.
I got pregnant by Frank and had my beautiful son Wayne. We were married two days after he was born. Life couldn't be better.
The wedding day. Yes MY WEDDING DAY!!
I invite over all my friends and everyone my family knew.
Frank comes over and
My first love kisses my mom!!
Mom turns around and boom!
He kisses her, mom thought it was the man she was talking to and gave a quick kiss back but broke away quick.
She slapped him once she saw who he was and yelled at him.
Romeo was ticked off, he went over and was about to fight him but I pulled him away. Jerald was about to too but Keely held him back.
Frank made our son Wayne so mad he wasn't friends with him anymore.
I still married Frank. What else was I supposed to do? He was my first love and the father of my child.
Jerald talked to me about that and said I should've dumped him. But, I don't know.
Romeo left the next day. But before he did. He held my shoulders and told me that I didn't need to take this, who knows who else he was kissing. That I should leave him. I told him I wasn't and Romeo kissed me. He said that I deserve better and left, he went to war and never came back. He was missing in action. I hope that he's still alive because Dylin was only a toddler at the time and I don't want him to grow up without a father.
Mom broke it off with the man she was talking to and became the boss at the hospital where Frank works. Mom wants to kill him but won't because I don't want her to.
Then I did something bad.
I slept with my best friend.
Yep, Jerald, my best friend since elementary.
I got pregnant. I told my mom and she laughed saying that was what Frank gets.
Mom was best friends with Frank and Octavio's mom but grew apart when they were adults.
So here I am, walking around with a baby bump. Wayne, my son, doesn't know that I cheated on his daddy. I hope he forgets everything when he's older. I feel so bad. Yea Frank kissed my mom but I GOT PREGNANT BY ANOTHER MAN!!
It wasn't supposed to happen. We just had sex once and boom I'm pregnant. I don't want to abort it because I told Jerald and he's so happy.
Frank hasn't said anything to me about it. He probably doesn't care, probably having sex at work with someone.
He knows it isn't his, we haven't had sex since I got pregnant with Wayne.
Frank and I talk sometimes and he just smiles at me like I'm not pregnant and he didn't kiss my mom and everything is right in the world.
I think he is cheating on me.

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