The Schuyler Sisters - English To Japanese To English

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There is nothing that the wealthy people love more

Slummin with the poor than going downtown

They pulled by a carriage

A common student

Just watch their story

Take Philip Schuyler: That guy is loaded

Yeah, he does not know that

His daughter, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza

Sneak into the city and watch over everyone.


Work, work!




Work, work!




And Peggy!


Work, work!

Schuyler's sisters!










Dad said he was at home downstairs


Daddy need not know


Dad said he would not go downtown


As I said, you go free


However, looking around, looking around,

A revolution is taking place in New York

[Elysa / PEGGY]

New York



[Shuyler sister and company]



It's as bad as a father wants to go to war


People shouting in the square


Violence is so bad as to occur on our coast


New Ideas in the Air

[Angelica and Male Association]

Look around and see the surroundings -


Angelica, please remind us what we are looking for ...

[All men]

She's looking for me!


Elisa, I am looking for a mind at work

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