Aaron Burr, Sir - English to Javanese to English

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1776. New York City


Sorry, sorry. Are you Aaron Burr, sir?


That depends. Who asked?


Oh, yes, absolutely, sir

I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm in your service, sir

I've been looking for you


I get nervous


Sir ...

I heard your name in Princeton. I'm looking for a way to learn when I get some kind of sorts with my friends. I can calculate her. It's blur, sir. He handles finances?


You punched bursar



I want to do what you do. He graduated two, then joined the revolution. They look like I'm stupid, I'm not stupid

So how do you do it? How did you pass it so fast?


It was my life before my parents left


You are an orphan. Definitely! I am an orphan

God, I want a war!

Then we can prove that we are more worthy

Than anyone bargained for ...


Can I buy you a drink?


That will be good


When we say, I give you some free advice

Less talk


Do you?


More smile




Do not know what you are doing or what is for you


You can not be serious


Want to go?




The foolish man who dies will die


Yo yo yo!

What time is it?


Show time!


Like I said ...


Show time! Show time! Yo!

I'm John Laurens in a place!

Two pints or 'Sam Adams, but I'm working' three, uh!

They do not want me!

Hopefully I'll get these girls until I'm free!


Oui oui, ame, je m'appelle Lafayette!

The Lancelot of a revolutionary set!

I came from far only to say "Bonsoir!"

Tell the King "Casse toi!" Who is the best?

C'est moi!


Brrrah brraaah! I'm Hercules Mulligan

Where, then, I hear you say, "Come back?"




Of course, girls and horses

It's hard to have sex with over four sets of corset ...




No more sex, pour me more dishes, son!

Let's raise another couple ...


For the revolution!


Well, if you do not attend Princeton school!


Aaron Burr!


Give us a verse, drop some knowledge!


Good luck with that: you're takin 'stand

You spit. I sit down. We will see where we are




Now, the revolution will be near. Are you a stall?


If you do not consider anything, Burr, what will you arrive?



Who are you?

Who are you?

Who are you?


Ooh, who is this kid? What will you do?

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