Chapter 5

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Chapter Five - First Kisses and Parents

"Why are you smiling like that, Lillian? It's kind of creepy," Beth said. 

"She's right...creepy," Rachel implied. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"She can't stop smiling," Tara whispered to Rachel. 

"I can still hear you," I said to Tara. "I went to Noah's place yesterday and..." I trailed off on my sentence because I started smiling again just thinking about what happened yesterday at Noah's place. 

"What is it, Lillian?" Beth asked. 

"Tell us, please, the anticipation is killing me," Tara said with her cute little Asian accent. 

"He asked to kiss me," I finished. All of their jaws dropped and they stared at me. "Someone say something." 

"Did you kiss him?" Rachel asked. 

"No, I didn't. I don't know how and I didn't want to ruin anything, I didn't tell him that, but he did kiss me on the cheek twice and other places. What am I supposed to do?" I explained. Thinking about it, I do want to kiss him, but it just seems too soon and we aren't even dating, so I feel like I shouldn't. I've never done this before, so I don't know what to do. 

"Okay, well, I failed my first kiss. It's actually kind of funny. Do you want to hear about it?" Rachel asked. I nodded my head. 

"My first kiss was with my first boyfriend. Do you remember him? His name is Ty. It was freshman year of high-school," she asked. 

"Yeah, I remember him; he was so adorable," I replied. 

"Anyway, Ty took me to get ice cream after his sister's play. This was like our third date or something. So, we were sitting outside on a bench eating ice cream out of a cone. He looked at me with that certain look. Inside myself I was freaking out, but I was happy too because I could tell he wanted to kiss me," she was explaining, but I interrupted her. 

"How come you never told us this before?" I asked. 

"Because it's embarrassing; I didn't want to be embarrassed. He leaned forward, so I leaned forward. You know, I wanted to meet in the middle. That's what I was thinking. Our lips were so close, but then our noses collided. I was so embarrassed. I've gotten over it now. So Ty decides to try again, but I heard him chuckle; I felt my cheeks turning red. So on the second try we kiss and his ice cream fell on my lap," she explained. Beth, Tara, and I started laughing. We laughed for a long time. "It is not that funny," Rachel said while trying to keep a laugh in. "Well, maybe it is a little." 

"What happened after the ice cream fell?" I asked. 

Rachel sighed, and chuckled. "He tried cleaning it up; can you say awkward? And my ice cream fell on him." We laughed again; this is hilarious. 

"So, would anyone else like to share the story of their first kiss?" I asked while looking between Tara and Beth. They looked at each other and then back to me. 

"Okay," Beth started, "Greg took me on a picnic." 

"Wait, Greg was your second boyfriend," I stated. 

"Does that mean your first boyfriend never kissed you?" Tara asked. 

"Nope, he didn't. He broke up with me before he ever kissed me," Beth answered. "So, Greg took me on a picnic. It was on top of the hill by our school. It may sound lame, but it's actually very beautiful. We ate the food he brought; I can't even remember what it was now. After we started talking for a while Greg leaned over towards me and kissed me on the cheek, but it was because I was looking straight ahead and he was beside me. I sighed and then looked at him. I leaned forward this time and kissed him on the lips," Beth explained. I remember her telling us when she had her first kiss, which was the day after she kissed Greg, but she didn't say that she approached the kiss. 

Falling for the Guy Who is Not My TypeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora