Chapter 28: Kenji Yamasaki

Start from the beginning

„Leia, it's OK," she says, using her free hand to turn my face towards her. I recoil from her grisly sight as well. „There's some kind of healing factor in our saliva, much more powerful than in humans. Kenji only did it to completely stop the bleeding. Look,"

She forces my head to look down and to my astonishment, the blood that had been trickling down my arm has dried underneath his saliva. The wound is still there though, round and gaping. I turn away with a sickening lurch in my stomach.

„She's a germaphobe," Sophie explains to Kenji who has released me and disappears behind a door, only to come back with white latex gloves and what seems to be a first aid kit.

„Bad thing for her to be hanging around with you then," he scoffs sardonically and Sophie flips him the finger. Ignoring the rude hand gesture, Kenji takes his seat again in front of me and lays down the kit on the sofa table beside him.

„I'm sorry if that startled you," he apologizes to me. I nod tightly, although it's still making my skin crawl. It definitely did more than just startle me. „Unfortunately, our saliva only heals minor wounds and cuts. For anything larger than a simple cut, we need a day or two to get back on our feet, fully replenished. In your case, however," he opens up the kit and takes out gauzes, bandages, tape, thread and a long surgical needle. „We need to sew the wound shut."

I gulp in anticipation and dread. It's going to hurt like crazy, I just know it. Kenji makes sure to have everything cleaned and steriled. Sophie even jumps into the bathroom and quickly washes her hands and face in case he needs any assistance. Meanwhile, I'm struggling to keep my butt on the sofa. I'm sweating profusely, not sure whether it's from a fever I've developed from the wound or from pure consternation. My eyes are locked onto that needle that glints terrifyingly in the warm ceiling light.

I'm momentarily distracted by Kenji's huge hand and see something white and oval in his palm. „Take this," he says, dropping the pill in my clammy hands.

„W-what is it?" I ask hoarsely, clearing my sudden dry throat.

„It's just a mild sedative," he explains as he begins to carefully thread the needle. „It'll calm you down and make it easier for you to get some rest afterwards,"

„I'm actually surprised you haven't fainted again," Sophie pipes up unnecessarily which earns her a stern glare from her Asian friend. She dismisses it and continues. „Why not get her a shot of vodka? It'll dull her senses more effectively than a stupid pill,"

I shake my head feverishly. „No alcohol," I croak, already clenching my teeth. The trepidation is biding its time within me, an unpleasant warmth erupting inside like a dormant volcano.

Sophie shrugs. „Suit yourself," she mutters, adding in an undertone. „it's better for you though,"

I pop the pill into my mouth and hastily swallow, wishing the effects would be instantaneous but that is usually not the case with most drugs.

„Have you ever had stitches before?" Kenji asks as he moves closer with the needle in his hand.

My body is so tense and stiff that it's a miracle I manage to shake my head again, eyes never leaving that damn needle. I grip the leathery cushion of the sofa so tightly my fingers feel numb.

„You need to relax," Kenji says quietly, surveying me like a professional medic.

He even pats me gently on my uninjured shoulder but I twitch under his touch, grasping the cushion even harder. Professional or not, I've never been fond of doctors or hospitals in general. They give me an uneasy feeling that I can't quite explains and there's always this too sterile, chemical smell that surrounds those people that make me want to bolt out the door. Even though I smell nothing but the metallic stench of my own blood and Kenji's woody cologne, that feeling pounces within me, screaming to get out. The pill's not working; I just can't relax because I know the pain will be unbearable and I just can't deal with it anymore. The feeling is overwhelming and it comes out in the form of tears that cascade down my cheeks.

Kenji looks worried over at Sophie who sighs. She takes my shaking hand and squeezes it. „There's no need to cry over this," she says consolingly but underneath I sense a hint of irritation in her voice.

„I – just – don't – want anymore pain," I hiccup and sniff loudly so that snot won't come running down my nostrils and make my puffy face even more hideous.

„Well, I'm not gonna lie but it's gonna hurt," Sophie admits hesitantly but adds in exaspiration. „But it's not like you're gonna die from it!"

The word death strikes a chord within me and my anxiety goes into overload. A cold, icy sensation grips me and it's like there's a stone stuck in my throat, making me unable to draw breath properly. I wheeze in short, sharp gasps and I can already feel my vision getting blurry behind my glasses. I can hear Sophie mutter a curse but the rest is obscured by the thumping beats of my panicking heart. Am I going to die from this? The question echoes in my mind until it's the only thing I can hear along with the hasty drumbeats within me.

Suddenly cold hands envelop my face from both sides and gently guide me up. They're so soft for such big hands, I manage to remark in my whirlwind of a mind. A thumb brushes the tears from my eyes and in my momentary confusion, I direct my gaze towards his. Kenji smiles softly at me, maintaining his stare at my own blood-shot eyes. Then he speaks and his voice reverbrates like strings from a harp within me.

„Calm down, Leia,"

His voice is the most calming and beautiful sound I've ever heard and I find myself instantly relaxed, the rigidness of my body evaporating like smoke. I feel completely at ease as I take long, deep breaths, never taking my eyes off his chocolate ones.

„That's more like it," Kenji purrs in appreciation.

My heart swells up and the icy grip melts away. He's happy that I obeyed him. That makes me indescribably overjoyed. My hands jerk and I clap them together two times.

„Now, I'm going to start stitching your wound, Leia," Kenji's serene voice continues. „It might hurt but try to not let it bother you too much. If it does hurt, you can squeeze Sophie's hand, alright?"

I nod and there's another cold hand that touches mine. I seize it like a venus trap and hold it fast. Kenji smiles encouragingly and then leans forwards and injects the needle into my skin. I don't know if the sedative effects of the pill are kicking in or if it's because of Kenji's overwhelming, calming presence that still lingers within me, but I only feel a sharp pressure, like someone is jabbing their finger at me. I just stare blankly down at my feet, sneaking peeks and admire the intricate details and colors of Kenji's tattoos. I only squeeze Sophie's hand a couple of times when the jabbing pressure becomes too irritating. But otherwise, I don't really feel a thing during the whole procedure.

A few minutes later, a lulling heaviness sits within me, like a warm dog curling up inside my belly. My eyelids grow heavier and heavier until I can no longer keep them open. A soft kind of warmth envelops me and I only want to give in to it completely. I try to stifle a yawn but fail miserably, my gaping mouth opening wide.

„It's OK," Kenji's soothing voice assures me. „I'm almost done. Just go to sleep."

Eternally grateful, I slump forward and embrace the darkness with open arms.


That's it for chapter 28!

I realize it's shorter than the previous chapter but I'm sure it will get longer once I start the editing process.

Now you'll get to know Kenji more. What do you think of him? Your first impressions of him?

The next chapter will be told from Sophie's point of view so stay tuned for that one!

Until the next chapter!

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