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To anyone who still believes in the wonders of magic, this is for you.


This book is also dedicated to:

My notification squad- whenever I update, you're always the first to vote.

The readers who have been there since the beginning- AGAGTG, am I right?

The Wattpaders who post the sweetest and wittiest comments on my profile page. Yes, Newt Scamander is a smol bean and Bucky deserves to eat plums!

Each one of you is the reason why writers like myself continue to update. Without anyone acknowledging our work, why would we write?

I thank you.

There are so many of you to name, so one by one I shall add you to the list.

@kalopsia-ws-- @Readandwriteaholic @persephonestarr @-blurrymendes @Jennifer_Pevensie @LittleMouse16 @lady_Rogue @Lady_Loki_00 @Destiel_Winchester2 @TheOrangeGryffindor @daughterofodin @LillyWillow13 @crownedloki @mrs_ami_weasley @pepethefangirl @howInblues @Crazy_Potter_Girl @DalvieCurtis @YerAHarrehWizard @little-fangirl
@Pepethefangirl @Hunterbandfreak666 @HelenaAF @LillyWillow13 @SergeantJamesBarnes @Hmltntrsh51 @JustJinxIt @iGirl7Plus @ThunderThessa @Larka_HD @potatohoranbear @Nequiors @braxtenjs @lapati2020 @sofi_otaku30

The Hufflepuff Who Couldn't CryWhere stories live. Discover now