Zayn Malik dazzled the room, and all Harry could think is, it's about time.

Marco cleared his throat "That's Zayn Malik" he leaned down to Harry's ear whispering huskily "he's a close friend of mine, we've worked together a few times" he informed the boy but half of the information Harry had already knew.

But what he hadn't expected was the man to show up tonight. He wasn't expecting that at all but of course it was a plus if anything.

"He's late" harry pointed out as the million dollar man made his way over to them.

"Fashionably late is just his style I guess" Marco said and immediately stood just as Zayn had approached the two.

"Marco! My man" Zayn opened his arms to give the man a friendly hug.

Zayns scent was intoxicating and his smooth voice surely gave Harry goosebumps which erupted down his arms, good thing he had on a jacket.

The two blondes who accompanied Zayn took a seat on the couch directly across from the one Harry and Marco were sitting, of course leaving a space for the man of the hour.

The two conversed for a mere few minutes before the both of them turned to look at Harry, as Harry was just studying the two blondes across from him.

"And this is?" Zayn asked motioning a hand to Harry, making Harry's eyes drift up the man, that handsome man.

Before Harry could allow Marco to speak for him, he spoke for himself "Harry Styles" he looked up at the man offering him nothing but a smile, keeping his hands in between his thighs.

That smile could get him the world.

Zayn had stared at the boy for a simple second then gave him a smile back "nice to meet you, Harry" Zayn spoke sticking a hand out for Harry to shake.

Just the simple way his own name rolled off the mans tongue had Harry shifting subtly. Harry kindly placed his hands in the mans warm one. "Pleasure is all mine" he spoke back and pulled his own hand back.

He wanted nothing more than turn that man out, he wanted it so bad. But instead he gave a kind smile as Marco sat back down beside him and Zayn in between the two blondes who immediately leaned into the man as he'd gotten comfortable.

"So Marco" Zayn Malik started daring his tongue out to wet his lips. "Tell me how's life been going?" Zayn asked as he twirled his fingers in one of the blondes hair.

Marco straightened up a bit as he began to briefly inform Zayn of the things that's happened in the last few months, as Harry kept his eyes glued on the man who he knew simply was not listening to the Marco as he'd slid a hand on one of the blondes thigh making her giggle quietly.

Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes at that, but the more Marco spoke, Harry engulfed Zayns appearance.

He looks much better in person, no magazine could do the man justice. His stubbles still perfectly lined his jaw and the only difference of his hair now was that it was slightly longer, and hanging off to the side.

He wore a simple dress shirt, buttoned until the top three, exposing the kiss tattoo on his upper chest, that Harry would just love to glide his tongue down. He wore a pair of fitted black jeans and a pair of Chelsea boots. His wrist was covered by a Patek Phillipe making the man look all the more expensive. Not to mention the clad of rings covering his fingers. This man was not only beautiful but breathtakingly fashionable.

Harry was quite sure, Zayn had noticed Harry's everlasting stare, as his eyes would shoot towards he green eyed boy occasionally as he engagaed in conversation. Harry was never ashamed of anything and that's why, when his body roamed back up the mans body he made no reaction when he met with a pair of beautiful hazel eyes.

Marco slid his hand down Harry's arm making his eyes shoot to the Italian man "he asked you a question mio bello" the man whispered huskily in Harry's ear making the youngers eyes shift back to the black baited man who still had his eyes on him. "Which was?" Harry asks the man holding his smoldering look.

"What is that you're studying in school? The black haired man said for the second time making Harry's brow shoot up, bow curious of what they'd been talking about in the first place.

"Behavior" Harry answered simply, finding no shame in letting his eyes wanted to the mans lip, as he placed a ring clad finger on his bottom lip, as he listened intently, of course Harry hadn't missed how the mans eyes travelled down Harry's body, and neither did anyone else making Marco pull Harry a little closer and clear his throat "let's change the subject Zayn" Marco announced making Harry smirk and lick his lips as Zayn hadn't looked away from him.

After a few seconds Zayn looked back to Marco and shook his head "nonsense, this boy" his eyes drifted back to Harry "a very interesting subject. Are you a relationship?" Zayn asked this time keeping his eyes on Marco.

"No." Marco answered "not least" he added at the end making Harry roll his eyes but rest his head on the man.

Zayns eyes shot back to Harry and he cocked his head, removing his arms from around the two blondes. He placed his elbows on his knees and stared directly into Harry's eyes.

And shamelessly he spoke "I'd love to get to know you some day, Harry Styles"

Harry hadn't said anything, but all he could was

The nerve of this man. It was delightful.


And there goes the first chapter for ya. In this version , Zayn is not a doctor but and entrepreneur, but the fun kind ;)

Tell me what you guys think?

PS. I don't proof read so if there's any typos let ya girl know!

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