Chapter 2

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Pj's Pov

After school Felix invited me to come over to his dorm and play video games, and he said he had something to tell me. I made my way down the hall, scanning the area for Felix and Ken's dorm. On my way I heard the loud speaker.

Hey guys, it's Cry the faceless speaker, remember to place in your ballots for the Homecoming Queen and King next week!

Oh right, Homecoming game was in a couple days. I got to Felix's dorm, slowly knocking on the door. Felix came out, scanning the area then pulled me in.

"Whoa Felix what's wrong? Did you commit a felony or something?" I joked, waiting for Felix's reaction.

"Me and uh, me and Marzia broke up." Felix managed to choke out, his eyes falling to the floor.

"Oh man... a-are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked, trying to sound worried. On the inside though my heart almost jumped to my throat.

"She told me that... she was jealous of you and I." Felix continued, laughing for a second. "She said you had a thing for me."

He sounded... disappointed. My heart sunk. "W-Wow that's ridiculous..." I muttered, I was focusing on holding my tears back.

"Pj, are you okay?" Felix bent down to the ground where I was, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"What an idiot." I mumbled to myself.

"Y-Yea I know." Felix laughed to himself.

I started standing up, then slapped Felix. "No Felix, YOUR the idiot." I yelled, then walked out of the room. I walked back to my room where Chris was.

Chris turned around from the computer, welcoming me back. "Hey Pj!" He waved.

"Chris is that a picture of you... shirtless?" I asked, so we're doing this again.

Chris looked to the computer screen, then back at me.

"Yeah how did that get there? Huh weird!" He said in a fake confused voice.

Chris has had a thing for me ever since we first met. He thinks that it isn't obvious, but it really is. I sat down on my bed, beginning to draw something. A little penguin I named Fuzzwald. I created him a while back, called him my friend for life. I dunno, it just sounded cool to me. I even had a voice I made up for him.

"Hey Chris... doesn't Dan seem familiar to you?" I asked, I feel like i've met Dan somewhere, I just don't remember when.

Chris looked at me, then nodded. "His face looks familiar also."

I lied back in my bed, thinking about Felix. Ever since middle school when I realized I was gay, I had a thing for him, he was just too dumb to see that. Then he got a girlfriend, Marzia, who literally broke my heart into pieces. She was smart enough to see behind me though. Why didn't Felix believe her?

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