For The Brave Of Heart

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Death eaters that's all that ever were in the past the present and future through living memory that's all a pure blood could be described as a death eater.
Angry black letters  scrolled across notes flying towards anyone with a pure heritage.
It wasn't the children's fault after all they are only children born into the wrong side of a raging war.
It was his fault He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, The dark lord Tom Marvolo Riddle.
He single handedly ruined my life.


Hermione Granger ran through the Forest of Dean not admiring the beautiful scenery that was a task for another time for now the one thing was on her mind was simple

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Hermione Granger ran through the Forest of Dean not admiring the beautiful scenery that was a task for another time for now the one thing was on her mind was simple.
She glanced back harry was on the trail to the left whipping through branches things cracking leaves snapping into faces.
On the right Ron Weasley threw hexes into the snatchers path.
All three stumbled into a clearing.
There was no escape they were surrounded by snatc-
These weren't snatchers.
The death eaters closed in snarling and smirking typical slytherin smirks just like Malfoy.
Thinking on the spot Hermione did the only thing she could think of grasping harry and Ron she apparated further into the Scottish highlands.
"Bloody hell Mione what'd you do that for?" Ron hissed
"What Ron means to say is thank you hermione" harry quickly corrected before the younger Weasley male met the temper of the brightest witch of her age.
"I did that Ronald for your safety and a thank you would be nice next time" Hermione stalked off to set up the campsite.
It took three hours but the tent was up and wards were constructed they were all sat around the fire all lost deep in thought harry playing with the snitch dumbledore left him, Ron playing with the horcrux and Hermione silently fingering the golden changing hanging between her breasts.
Time turner.
She'd received it in third year to help complete extra classes after using it to save Sirius black Mcgonagall revoked it but recently dumbledore had return the forbidden device with simple instructions.
"Only you can do this Hermione" Dumbledore drawled.
"Why me?why not Harry he's the chosen one?" The girl queried.
"Because my dear you are the only one capable of showing the boy what he needs" the old man chuckled as if this was seemingly obvious.
"Harry needs me" she was coming up with pointless arguments sitting in the headmasters office either side of the antique desk.
The teacher and the student.
The mentor and the protégée
The commander and the soldier
The mad and the sane.
"With all due respect Professor it's The dark lord he's incapable of love how am I suppose to achieve it?" Hermione thought through the logical arguments to escape the task.
"Surely you know better than anyone my dear love isn't a fixation it fluctuates" Dumbledore leant back into his armchair as if reminiscing a past event.
"When do I start?" She queried again
"My time is fast approaching as soon as I'm gone and the death eaters seize hogwarts you begin do not tel, anyone about this mission it's crucial nobody knows." He sighed
"I understand professor I'll do it " she gave it her griffindor courage demanding a new challenge.
"Good good my dear now carry on back to class" he dismissed her with a little wave.
She sighed before lifting herself from the cracked red armchair and strolling to the door glancing at the homely room as if it was the last time she'd ever see it and th man inside it.
Dumbledore was killed by The death eaters three days later and the trio fled.

"I guess this time is as good as any to start" she whispered looking out to the dark landscape the hills dropping and rising the water flowing seamlessly in the loch far Beneath them.
"What's that you said Mione?" Ron uttered as Hermione grimaced at the nickname that sounded like chalk on sandpaper to her ears.
"I'm just going over there" she began her descent of the hill pulling time turner from her shirt.
"Why?" He looked up from his fish dinner.
"Because I am Ronald" she was getting increasingly annoyed by the second.
"When you get back can you clean the plates?" He continued to stuff himself as if he never eaten before.
"I most certainly will not Ronald I am not your mother" she was getting increasingly annoyed not a good sign she normally had high tolerance it must be nearly that time of the month, the time she'd get less patience higher irritability and intense cramps.
Oh joy.
She had to deal with a teenage Dark lord throughout it for countless months until all was completed.
With the brow of the hill covering her position she held the time turner in her palm twisting the modified knob pretending she was twisting Rons head around harry having the sense to stay quiet.
Finally it was set to 1945 specifically September 3rd 1945 the start of the new term.
The final button being pushed she pictured the place she wanted to arrive at and watched as the present began to swirl away warping and twisting and she flitted through time catching fragments as she went the eighties fashion
seventies hair,
sixties dancing,
fifties dates
Finally landing in 1945
In hogsmead just like Dumbledore said she would as she strolled up to the castle preparing the latest task.
A simple one really
Seduce Tom Riddle
Destroy Voldemorts beginnings.
How hard could it be right?


So this is a new story idea I'm going to try it'll be updated roughly ever 3 weeks maybe more if I can hopefully you'll like it if not oh well

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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