Chapter 7: smoke bomb

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Guinevere's p.o.v

After that whole ordeal transpired I chose to walk around town for a little bit. Oliver chose to go with me because he didn't want anything to happen to me.

What did I do to deserve him? He is kind, understanding, patient. Everything anyone would want in a brother. He evens out Lancelot in a way. When Lancelot is angry during a situation Olly is calm and collected. Lancelot could be described as passionate about what he does. Or something along those lines. His personality is one I call a guild line for the rules. His personality doesn't let anyone slack off or break a rule.

As Olly and I walked we passed three diners, two elementary schools, the middle and high school, one bar, and a lot of houses. It seems like the basic small community.

"Are you lost?"

A voice asked and both Oliver and I jumped. We turned around to see a woman with a little girl by her side. Both Olly and I relaxed as we saw they were not a threat.

"No ma'am, we are just wandering around. That's all."

Olly explained and the woman smiled at us. Her brown hair pushed back by the slight breeze.

"Are you new in town?"

She asked us as I hugged my jacket closer to me. I nodded and tucked my black hair behind my ear.


The little girl said and we all looked at her. Her mom looked down at her and smiled.

"Yes dear."

The lady asked and the girl looked over at me.

"She has the bad guy symbol on her jacket."

The little girl pointed out as she pointed to my right arm. I looked and gasped. The woman screamed, picked up her child, and ran. I ripped the velcro badge off my arm and shoved it in my pocket.

"Pack member! There's a pack member!!"

The lady screamed as she ran. Olly took my hand as we ran back towards Lance's house. We made it back just in time because squad cars began to search for us.

"What in the heck is happening?"

Lance asked as he walked into the room. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looking into our eyes.

"A little girl noticed Gwen's badge and pointed it out. Her mother flipped out and ran away screaming."

Olly spoke and Lance sighed in annoyance. Lance peeked out the window and I could already see the blue, white, and red flashing lights.
I slowly began to panic at the thought of being killed. Why on earth did i wear this jacket outside?!

Lance's phone began to ring and he picked it up.

"Hello? General Lancelot speaking."

He spoke into the phone as he tried to sound calm. He made it look easy to act cool in desperate times.

"No its nothing to concern yourself with. I have it all under control."

A loud knock was sounded at the door. Soon a voice followed afterwards.

"You are surrounded! Open up or realise our general!"

This voice was stern and demanding. Part of me wanted to obey but if I did who knows what would happen. Peter then tapped my shoulder. He passed me a gun and I pointed it still the window. But stupid me chose to pull the trigger.

"How could you be so stupid?!"

Carter yelled at me as he snatched the gun from me.

"I don't know! Muscle spazzem at the wrong time!"

I yell as I put my hands in a surrender motion.

"Rebel I knew I shouldn't have let you have a gun!"

Peter groans and I panic even more.

"Dude you shot him in the foot!"

Olly yells and Lance uncovers his phone microphone.

"Relax Demitri, I got this. This is nothing I can't handle."

Lance said and he hung up. Soon after a smoke bomb was thrown into the window. I began a coughing fit as did everyone else. The smoke cleared and 10 people with guns stood inside with them pointing at us. Lance was brought outside of the circle and one man tried to grab my. Peter growled, shifted, and jumped at the man. I heard blow darts being fired and soon Peter was asleep.

I felt them grab me by the back of the neck and lead me out. I saw a man radio something in as I was thrown into the back of a black van.

Well they think they have us. Ha! I'll escape.

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